Milan blew out a deep breath, then walked over to the bed and sat down. “That was rough.”

“You might get a visit from Dasan. The president of the Lords is going to want to look at you eye to eye in order to judge your character. My opinion is askew, I'm too in love with you to change my mind about us. Dragon, well, he could kill you if given the order.”

“I figured. Just between us, he did it, right?”

“Did what?”

“Killed Donald Turner?”

TT lowered his gaze. “Why do you want to know?”

“Because I need you to trust me with that truth.”

TT lifted his head, understanding what that meant. “Yes, and I helped by causing a distraction. Richie and Dopey played their parts in making them all sick enough to end up in the infirmary together.”

Milan nodded. “Thank you, Tim, for trusting me.”

“Please don't make me regret it. I can't take any more betrayal from you, Milan.”

Milan reached over and grabbed TT's hand then pulled him down onto the bed beside him. “I'm done lying to you, baby. I'm yours one hundred percent.”

It was at that moment when the call for “Lights Out” blared over the speakers. The doors locked, leaving the two men in darkness.

“Why don't you prove to me just how much your cock belongs inside my body,” Milan said.

TT laughed. “That was both sexy and corny.”

Milan chuckled, then kissed him. It didn't take long for Tim to show him just how much Milan belonged to him.

Chapter twenty

Demir "Fox"

Two Days Later

Demir listened to Akane as she translated for their boss, Rico, while he gave Vito the update on their New York situation. Apparently, the Torelli family joined the Demarcos and Vanelis in the war. It was the Castiellos against those three and Rico had to call in reinforcements from other cities, including Sicily.

“Fuck!” Vito cursed. “Do you need me to send Demir?”

There was a pause as they waited for the translation of Vito's words and then Rico's response.

“No. You'll need him if the triad decides to pull another stunt like they did a few nights ago. If it comes to me needing more help, I've got a favor to call in from the Lords in Orlando. Their biker, Maverick, is on loan to us. From what Akari has said, he is quite vicious and skilled,” Akane said in her sultry voice with her Japanese accent. “I'd like to see for myself just how good he is—that opinion is my own, not Mr. Castiello’s,” she clarified.

“What about Akari?” Vito asked.

“He's here, that's why I think I can handle this, but if not... I have plans, brother,” Akane translated for Rico.

“Do you think the other two families will join them?” Vito asked.

“So far, they've promised to stay out of it. They won't join my side or theirs as long as I promise not to encroach on their territory.”

Vito heard Rico laugh, then Akane continued to translate for him.

“They want to see what's left of me if I manage to survive this onslaught. As long as I remain strong, they'll stay their hands. If it looks like I'm a wounded dog, then they'll attack.”

“What about the Lords’ Chapter there?”

“Kicking ass. I'm impressed,” Akane said.