“Lords don't need to be caught off guard by your marriage to Da Han's son,” Richie said.

Monty nodded. “Fine. But if something does happen, let me know.”

“Oh, don't worry, I will.”

Monty sighed. “All right, mate.” He looked at his watch. “Got to get back to work.”

“How is it working there now?”

“To be honest, not too different. Li—Da Han's oldest son—is just feeling me out right now and vice-versa. Ask me again in a month,” Monty half joked, half spoke his truth.

Again, Richie hugged him. “Stay safe.”

“You too,” Monty said.

The men parted ways and he returned to work with more to think about considering his new extended family.

Chapter nineteen

Milan Petal

“So, you really grewup in a foster home after your mom died?” TT asked Milan as they prepared to leave their cell for their shower.

Milan nodded. “Several, but I ran away from the last one. It was either that or I'd kill the son of a bitch husband who kept sneaking into my room in the middle of the night. A few months later, I was signing up for the Navy.”

TT frowned. Hearing that some motherfucker out there had hurt his man made him want to deal out his own brand of justice. Milan turned to face him, then smiled as he walked up to TT. He lifted himself on the tips of his toes to kiss the giant.

“I love that I can read your mind and know what you're thinking right now,” Milan said.

TT's frown melted away and a sexy grin was now in its place. He wrapped his arms around Milan, pulling him closer. “Oh? And what am I thinking?”

Milan chuckled. “Well, now your cock is hard, so, sex. But before, you were thinking about my foster dad and the pain you wanted to put him in.”

“Damn, baby, you do know me.” TT smiled.

Milan sighed and gave TT one more quick kiss before pulling away. “It's my job to be able to read people.”

“About that,” TT said as he scratched his eyebrow. “I think it's best if you let me talk to Dragon—alone. Don't join us in the yard today. Once I tell him the truth about you being a fucking cop, he's going to lose his damn mind.”

Milan nodded as he thought about his current predicament. “Yeah, I think that's best.”

“Do you trust me?” TT asked.

“With my life, yes,” Milan said, and his tone was full of the conviction he felt behind those words.

TT stepped forward and leaned down, pressing his forehead to Milan's. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” Milan said, then kissed TT again.

With a slap on Milan's ass, TT let him go and left the cell with Milan following.

During breakfast, both Tiny Tim and Milan kept things fun... simple. It wasn't the time to reveal that the man Dragon knew as Ajay was a cop who had been spying on them.

Milan went on about his day, carrying out his duties and he did as TT had suggested and avoided going out into the yard. Instead, he stayed in the library after his shift and pretended to browse the books. He was looking for one book about vampires to read when he was shoved from behind. His body careened into a book cart, knocking it over, and the books scattered around him.

“Dragon, fuck,” Milan heard TT's voice, though hushed, still urgent in his attempt to calm the enforcer down.

Dragon was on Milan before he could scramble away from the books and the blow that came across his face nearly knocked him out. Another blow busted his nose, but he managed to pull himself together and block the next blow and counter with aknee to Dragon's balls. He wasn't above fighting dirty and going for weak points, especially if he was fighting for his life.