“He looks like he wants a piece of my brother here,” Wolf said.

“He can catch this two-piece for sure,” Bruiser said, then kissed both of his fists.

Tian Yu cocked one of his perfectly shaped black eyebrows. “Would them having it out settle this for you, then?”

Wolf looked at Bruiser. “Well, would it, brother?”

Bruiser nodded. “He's the motherfucker who gave me these stitches. I just want him.”

“I'm going to kick your fucking ass,” Yufei barked out.

Tian Yu didn't turn to his brother, but his head did turn slightly as he acknowledged his brother's acceptance of the challenge. He sighed and looked at Wolf. “We let them have at it. No one dies. No weapons, no interference. Last man standing?”

“Seems fair to me,” Wolf said, then looked at Bruiser. “You good with that?”

“I'm gonna beat that cheap ass hair dye out of his fucking head,” Bruiser threatened as he flexed his shoulders.

Yufei laughed, then licked his lips as he removed his jacket.

“Fuck him up,” said the gang member Yufei handed his jacket to. The man was handsome as hell, short, black hair, keen brown eyes, chisled jawline with high cheekbones. He was taller than Yufei and he also wore the gang jacket, but Demir could see tats on the back of his hands and designs crawling up his neck. Demir wondered just how much of the man’s body was covered in ink. The biker’s demeanor made him appear to be a person with rank within the biker gang, which was also noteworthy.

“This is about to be easy work,” Yufei boasted as he cracked his neck and rotated his shoulders.

Tian Yu nodded, then stepped back. The other Lords followed suit, stepping back to allow the two men to air out their grievances.

The two men circled each other as they sized up their opponent. Yufei attacked first, dealing out two lightning-quick kicks, both catching Bruiser in his face, making him fall back against the bar. Yufei charged forward and caught a right hook from Bruiser that knocked him to the floor, his lip bleeding with a new cut. He regrouped quickly, nipping up with one graceful move and dealing out a series of punches, jabs, and kicks at Bruiser. Some landed and others were blocked.

Demir watched the men fight and he could tell that skill for skill, Bruiser was outmatched. Yufei was faster, more agile, and there was a lot of power behind his attacks. He was quick to counter Bruiser's blows or dodge them and as he did, he knew when to strike. Bruiser landed a beautiful uppercut that knocked Yufei into several men who were standing by. They pushed him back into the fight, expecting him to hold his own. Both he and Bruiser were bleeding from several cuts, Bruiser more than Yufei. Demir turned from them for a second to check out Tian Yu. The man was standing there, hands in his pockets, eyeswatching every movement. He was calm, but Demir knew that the man was ready to take control if things got out of hand.

Demir would have to report all of this to Vito. He returned his attention to the fight that looked like it was slowing down. Bruiser and Yufei were breathing hard as they threw more fists at each other. Yufei ducked, then countered with a roundhouse kick that caught Bruiser across his face. The man's body spun around before falling to the ground. Bruiser tried to rise but collapsed. Yufei charged forward, leg up to land a high kick.

“Enough!” Tian Yu shouted.

Yufei was poised, his right leg beautifully extended. He huffed, then lowered his leg and took several steps back, a satisfied grin on his face. “You're no match for us,” he boasted.

More words were spoken between the brothers in Mandarin. And Yufei snarled at Tian Yu, then snatched his jacket from his friend who was holding it. He put it back on, then stood beside his brother, quietly gloating with his expression.

Wolf had Goat and Snoopy help Bruiser to his feet. He checked his brother's face out, making sure he was okay. “Take him out of here.”

“Sure thing, Prez,” Snoopy said and the three men left.

Demir stayed by Wolf's side, but he did place his gun back into his holster.

“Does this resolve our issue?” Tian Yu asked.

Wolf nodded. “It was a fair fight. We honor that. But the next time your brother and his cracker jack gang of boy toy Sunday riders breach my territory again...” Wolf shook his head. “It won't end this peacefully.”

Tian Yu studied the big biker, then nodded. “Understood.”

Wolf whistled and backed up toward the door, his club following. He turned to walk out. Demir noted that Tian Yu never promised that what happened wouldn't happen again. Words not spoken still spoke volumes to Demir. He followedthe Lords out of the restaurant and gathered around Bruiser, who was licking his wounds. Shade was tending to him, applying pressure to the bleeding cuts with a handkerchief.

“What just went down in there?” Snoopy asked.

“We just measured each other's dicks,” Wolf said. “But we're not going to discuss anymore here.”

The Lords nodded, knowing what he meant by that. They were no doubt being monitored. This was Jade Dragon Triad territory after all.

Demir looked at Bruiser, the man still appeared to be out of it. “Perhaps he should ride with me. He's in no shape to get on his bike right now,” he suggested.