“The night your club was attacked by a rival biker gang, the Hellraiser Knights, there was a car parked in your lot, an expensive one that caught the eye of a cop who was investigating. Registration came back as belonging to Akari Himura and we know him as Rico Castiello's right-hand man. He's also suspected to be one of his highly trained assassins, although he's good enough to never get caught. His sister too. At first, it was just noted, but then Akari and one of your members, Fabian “Burger” Murphy, started dating. The DEA couldn't ignore that. On top of that, in Chicago, the Underboss, Vito Castiello, started dating Zindel Esai, the little brother of Zaire “Ze” Esai, an enforcer for the Lords. Currently, the Lord's president in Chicago is dating Demir Balik, Vito's right hand. Basically, the Lords were deemed to be easier to infiltrate. And approaching you in prison seemed like the more viable option for success,”Milan said and in doing so, laid all of the DEA's cards on the table that he was aware of.

“Yeah, we suspected they'd be watching us seeing that we had ties to the Castiellos. Hell, they've been on our asses for decades. This is nothing new. But you are getting past our nets. You did what no other cop had done—at least not in the past thirty years,” TT said, then sighed. “I don't know whether to be impressed or pissed off because now you made us look like fools.”

“Be impressed, because I was pretty damn good.” Milan pressed his face to TT's warm chest and took comfort in hearing the man's powerful heart beating.

TT kissed the top of his head. “You know, if you're serious about us, my club won't allow it until you prove you can be trusted.”

“I've been thinking about that too. They're going to want me to break the law, right?”

“Not anything simple either. If you don't think you can go full throttle, tell me now, Milan. Do not let me get myself involved with you even more. Don't let me go out on the limb only to fall because the damn thing broke.”

“So many metaphors,” Milan joked.

“I'm serious,” TT said.

“I know.” Milan sighed and nodded. “They're going to want me to kill someone, aren't they?”

“It's one of the few crimes that we're guessing you're going to have a hard time committing even when undercover. Premeditated murder. Am I worth that to you? Like I said, tell me now and we'll end this.”

“You can say goodbye to me that easily?” Milan asked.

TT released him and leaned back against the wall. “Easy? You think any of this is fucking easy? Hell no. I don't want you to leave me, Ajay—fuck—Milan. I'm so in love with you, all I cansee is you. My club is my family, I don't want to walk away from them and I don't think you and I can be together even if I did if you're still a cop. They'll never trust you if you're dating an excommunicated member of the Lords and ex-con. And my club will never trust you if you don't prove that you're one of us.”

Milan took a few steps back to sit on the bed again. He had to think about what TT had said. He had suspected that would be his dilemma, which was the one of the reasons for his conflict. He looked up at TT and had to think about what their future could look like once they were both out of prison. He'd killed people before, but never with criminal intent. It was always in the line of duty, for his missions as he served his country. He ran his fingers through his hair.

“Can we discuss this later? Right now, we have gone through a lot. I'm finally starting to feel the pain of our fight and my ass is sore. You fucked the hell out of me,” Milan said, then rose and walked over to the sink to wash the blood from his face.

TT smirked, because he sure as fuck had and if things went his way, he'd be fucking Milan even more. He washed up too, then both men climbed into the bed, TT wrapping his arms around Milan.

“Tim?” Milan began.


“How are we going to break this to the Lords?”

TT was silent for a little while, because telling his club about his boyfriend being a fucking cop was at the forefront of his mind. He had no idea how his club was going to take the news, but he was going to do his best to convince them to give Milan a chance.

He sighed. “It's best if you're not with me when I do tell Dragon.”

The sound of that warning was very grim to Milan. TT had already told him what he would have to do if he wanted to gainhis club's respect and trust, especially after such a betrayal. He had a lot to think about. The only thought that occupied his mind was how much he loved Tim and didn't want to give him up... not for anyone or any organization.


“Yes, Tim?'

“Is your accent real?”

Milan laughed. “I'm still speaking in it, right?”

TT chuckled. “Just wanted to make sure.”

Milan held TT close because he never wanted to let him go. He'd already decided to give up his career, but TT was asking him if he'd be able to give up his moral code. That was another story. Again, he was at a loss.

Chapter thirteen


“Ahhhh fuuck,” Demir purredinto the pillow as Wolf's tongue circled his wrinkled puckered hole.