Wolf's eyes widened. “When? I mean, what?”

Demir sighed. “After I'd passed the test, I was then allowed to be 'rented' out to perform missions. When I was twenty-two, the Castiellos hired me for a job, taking out a rich man who was trying to frame Rico. I guess they were impressed with me and paid a large sum of money to purchase me from the organization. I was to be Vito's personal bodyguard and assassin. Vito and I became good friends, then best friends, but I never forget my duties, which I take very seriously.”

Wolf snorted. “Yeah, I noticed.”

Demir went on. “Anyway, I told him what had happened. Vito is the only other person who knows this story. He asked me if I wanted my vengeance and I said that I did. He and Rico allowed me to borrow both Akari and Akane, and the three of us destroyed those men and any assassin who fought against us. The children who were being trained we put in reputable orphanages.”

“What about those assassins who were like you, being rented out?”

“If they didn't fight us, we freed them, too.” Demir smiled. “Some even joined us to take all of them out.”

“Good, fuck those assholes. They deserved your retribution. So, you did a raid with Akane and Akari, eh? How are they in battle?” Wolf asked.

Before Demir could answer him, the doorbell rang.

“Food's here,” Wolf said, then released Demir to put on his robe.

Demir watched him leave and he remained on the bed, waiting for his boyfriend to return. He smiled at the thought. His boyfriend. After all these years, he finally had one. Wolf came back with plates, silverware, and glasses. They ate as they talked and watched television.

“The twins are deadly, on my level. One-on-one, we're even, but together, they could take me,” Demir admitted.

“What about Tiger, Raven, and Ze?”

Demir laughed. “What are you trying to start?”

Wolf shrugged. “I'm just curious about your professional opinion. I didn't train any of them. I know they're badasses, but what do you think? I mean, you've sparred with them.”

Demir nodded, understanding where Wolf was coming from. “Raven is quite vicious when she's in that zone. Her skill is almost as good as Ze's. As for Ze, he's very impressive considering he wasn't trained the way Tiger or I was. He lost that match, but he was very good. Tiger can give me a go, to be honest. His training wasn't as cruel as mine, but extensive. The Bridgers come from a long line of assassins. They are trained to kill from the moment they can walk without falling over. I'm sure his own son will start to undergo their training once he reaches two years of age. That's how they do it.”

“Damn!” Wolf gasped.

Demir nodded. “When his brother, Nathan, killed my mark, his bullet was precise. It actually went through my target and past me. It was that deliberate. If he'd wanted to kill me at that time, he could have taken both me and my target out. I had to give him my respect at that moment. Of course, he fucked with the Castiello's money and reputation by doing so, and that's why his mother had to work out a deal with us.”

“The Bridgers fear the Castiellos?” Wolf asked.

Demir shook his head. “No, I don't think so. But they would like to avoid a war. Helena is the head of their family, and even the kids are killers. They'd all go to war and there would be serious losses on both sides. Nathan fucked up, so she fixed his mistake. Akari, Akane, and I are Rico's biggest guns, but every member of the Castiello family is formidable. Sergio is moving up in rank to be on par with Akari since that's who's been training him.”

“Sergio?” Wolf asked.

“He's seventeen now, but he is Enzo's personal bodyguard.”

“Does he go to school?”

“No. He has tutors, though. But because he's Enzo's personal bodyguard and assassin, like I am for Vito, he has to be available.”

“Was he from one of those organizations?”

Demir shook his head and ate some of Wolf's noodles. “No...” he paused to finish chewing. “He ran away from home because his family mistreated him for being gay. He tried to rob Enzo one day while he was conducting business with the cartel there in Cancun. Instead of killing Sergio, Enzo took him in. He was fourteen at the time. Recently, he decided that he wanted to be Enzo's bodyguard and that's when Rico insisted he learn from the best—well, one of the best.”

“Damn, a seventeen-year-old bodyguard and assassin. That's interesting.”

Demir nodded. “He is loyal to our family and badass, as you say.”

Wolf sighed and shook his head. “I learned a lot tonight.”

“I hope I didn't scare you away,” Demir teased. He knew he hadn’t... at least, he hoped he hadn’t.

Wolf laughed. “Never. You're mine.”