Kevin shrugged. “Just making sure that you keep your fucking head straight in here, Agent Patel. Remember whose team you're playing for, Milan.”

Ajay snarled. “This isn't my first time at the bat and I always hit a home run. Tell the brass to stop breathing down my neck.”

“Enough with the baseball references. Just know your limits in here, and remember who you belong to—both teams.”

Ajay just rose from his chair. “I thought you didn't want to use baseball references.”

“'Teams' is universal,” Kevin shot back.

“Whatever.” Ajay called to the guard, who let him out. He left and as he made his way back to Tiny Tim and Dragon, he was conflicted. He just lied to his contact, his superior... and his husband. Granted, Kevin being his husband was just a word to Ajay right at that point, but still. He'd never betrayed the DEA before, but he couldn't bring himself to tell the truth. Could he? He saw the duo still playing cards as he approached and he had to put his game face back on. The one he'd been barely wearing since the moment he let Tiny Tim suck him off, which was his first mistake. Sex was never on the table. Sex always complicated things because it led to one feeling emotions. and now, emotions were what had him sinking into quicksand.

Fuck, Milan. What are you going to do?

Chapter eight

Da Han

Da Han sat comfortablyon the soft cream-colored leather chair of his private jet as he looked over the documents he'd have William-Price sign. His wife was chatting with his daughter and his son was sitting in front of him, looking out the window. His Vanguard was sitting in the back, reading a book, but his new bodyguard was sitting across from him. He looked up from the papers to his son.

“Did you get a minister?” he asked Li.

His son was a perfect blend of Da Han and his first wife. Six feet, black hair, long bangs, shorter on the side. His brown eyes were as keen as a hawk and his angular jaw and high cheekbones gave him a bone structure that was both pretty and masculine.

Li turned from the window at the sound of his father's voice and nodded. “I did. He'll be waiting upon our arrival.”

“Good.” Da Han slipped the documents back into their folder to keep them safe.

“What if he doesn't want to sell?” Li asked.

“He has one offer and that person isn't offering even close to what I will. That transaction was supposed to go down in twodays, but Howard will see everything my way. I'm not concerned about that. I've already put gears into motion to make sure I get his company. My question is, do you feel confident with the position I'm giving you?”

Li nodded. “I'm confident that I can handle any task, dad. Besides, I'll have my twin.”

“And an army,” Da Han said.

Li smirked. “Then, I'll definitely have everything under control. We have a shipment that is scheduled for next month and under their company name, it'll be much easier to get past customs.”

“That's why I must have this company,” Da Han said. He placed the folder he'd been holding on the table and turned to look at his new bodyguard. He needed to get more familiar with the man. “Valentino,” he called the man's name.

Jun De turned to him. “Yes, sir?”

“Follow me.” Da Han rose and walked toward the back of the airplane where his bedroom was.

His wife watched his retreat, then excused herself to join her husband and their new bodyguard. Inside the room, Da Han kicked off his shoes and sprawled on the bed. His wife joined him and both looked at Jun De as he stood at the foot of the bed, hands clasped before him.

“Is there a problem, sir?” Jun De asked.

Da Han chuckled and Mèng Yáo leaned over, kissing her husband's cheek.

“What do you want to do with him, my darling?” she whispered into his ear.

“What do you know about my wife and I?” Da Han asked.

Jun De cleared his throat. “You're third generation Triad leader. Your father was recent—”

Da Han held his hand up, cutting the man off. “I'm sure you know all of that. I want to know if you're aware of any intimate details?”

Jun De cleared his throat and nodded. “I only know what's been passed as rumors. I don't know if there is any truth to them, sir.”