“So, you can't tell me anything about the dead inmate that was killed in the mess hall?” Kevin sat back and knocked his knuckles on the table. His gaze on Ajay was full of scrutiny.

“I heard they were friends of the inmates who were attacked in the shower a few months back. I guess they were trying to start something, but it didn't work out,” Ajay said, telling only part of the truth. He did know everything about it and who'd killed the inmate. Yet, he refused to give up that information. “Listen, my goal in here is to keep out of trouble, do what I'm told, and earn their trust until I can get out and join the club. That's the only way the DEA is going to get everything they want. These types of one-percent clubs survive on loyalty and secrecy. They aren't going to trust me, not this early, not unless I do something for the club that warrants their trust.”

Agent Kevin Bryar cocked an eyebrow. “Meaning?”

“Commit a crime for their benefit. I mean, they're in here for drug trafficking. I can't keep my hands clean and get all of their secrets just four months in,” Ajay pointed out.

Kevin snorted. “Are you sure that's the only thing standing in your way?”

“We knew going in this wasn't going to be easy. The Lords of Chaos know what the hell they're doing. You thinkI'mthe one who's going to unravel all of that while still in prison in less than four months?” Ajay said, applying logic to his question. “I'm good, but I'm not that fucking good.”

Kevin sighed and nodded. “Yeah, I guess you're right. Just so you know, the higher-ups are getting anxious. We know they're in bed with the fucking Castiellos,” he said, then pulled a file from his briefcase and began showing Ajay photos of the Lords and Castiellos together in Chicago, New York, and Orlando. “As you can see, they are planning something big and we need to know what. Not only that, but with the Castiellos pushing the Mancini family out of Chicago, they have garnered the interest of the Jade Dragon Triad.” Kevin pointed to a tall, handsome Caucasian man in the photo wearing a suit and black shades.“That's Rico Castiello, and for the past several months, he's been in a war with two—now three of the Five Families of New York.”

“Shit,” Ajay hissed as he looked at the numerous photos spread out before him.

“Tell me about it. The Triad has ties with the fucking Saotome Yakuza and the Castiellos are a powerhouse all on their own. The Lords are the smallest fish in this ocean, and therefore, the best way to get on the inside.”

Ajay looked at him and nodded. He licked his lips. “Am I the only agent you have in the field?”

He shook his head. “Of course not, but that's on a need-to-know basis, as you know. It's just smart to keep all our agents separated. But you each have your own jobs to do.”

“Just tell me if there's anyone else inside the Lords?”

“Not the Lords, that's your job.” Kevin leaned forward. “I'd prefer that you back out. Someone else could take over. We can get you out of here.”

Ajay shook his head. “I've put in too much to pull out. Especially not just because you want me to.”

“Don't you see that I love you?” Kevin asked.

Ajay laughed, he couldn't help himself. “If you love me, let me go.”

“That's not how I prove my love,” Kevin said.

Ajay threw his head back and sighed heavily. He was going to have to contact his boss and demand they send Markum or anyone else from now on. He looked at Kevin. “I'm only discussing the case, nothing else.”

Kevin scoffed. “Fine. So, how close are you to gaining their trust? I mean, you're bunking with one of their members all this time. What is Tim Davis' position in the club?”

“Just a member, from what I know.”

“What about this Diego “Dragon” Murphy, their enforcer? Reports said that he was in the infirmary when our informantdied. We were that close to going to trial and then that shit happened. That can't be a coincidence. Do you know if he had anything to do with that?”

Probably,Ajay thought. From what he'd gathered of Dragon, the man was a stone-cold killer. Ajay ran his fingers through his thick, black hair. “If he did or didn't, they don't discuss that kind of thing around me. I'm telling you, loyalty is big with them. Most clubs have a three-month, or even six-month prospecting period. The longest I've seen is nine months. But the Lords of Chaos? They want you to prospect for a full year before you're even shown what's behind the curtain. At least let me get past that six-month mark.”

“Is that it?” Kevin asked with a hint of suspicion.

Ajay frowned as he was annoyed by the question and what it insinuated. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

“Are you fucking one of them?”

Ajay shook his head in disbelief. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

Kevin shrugged. “Had to ask. I mean, you're with them twenty-four-seven pretty much. And you're telling me you got jack shit on them. One has to wonder.”

Ajay scoffed. “You're a piece of shit.”

“Hey, let's keep this professional. Isn't that what you wanted?”

“You're the one stepping over the line,” Ajay snapped.