Kevin looked Ajay up and down as he stood up and approached him. “You... you look good. I miss you.” He reached out for Ajay, but the other man took a step back. Kevin huffed. “Not this attitude again. How long are you going to hold a grudge against me?”

“Where's Special Agent Markum?” Ajay asked.

“Sick, I'm standing in for him,” Kevin said, then raked his fingers through his blond hair. “Jesus, I was hoping you'd be happy to see me after all this time.”

“That depends.”

Kevin cocked an eyebrow. “On what?”

“Did you sign the papers?”

“I'm never going to do that. You may be willing to give up on us, but I'm not.”

Ajay huffed. “Can we not have this conversation again? Not right now. We only have so much time,” he said, then took a seat.

Kevin grunted, a frown on his handsome face. He stared at Ajay for a few seconds, then sat down in his chair. The two stared at each other in silence across the metal table.

“Is that all?” Ajay asked gruffly.

“I fucked up, I admit that.” Kevin looked away to gather his thoughts, then returned his blue gaze to Ajay. “You shouldn't have taken this assignment. You know you did this just to spite me.”

Ajay rolled his eyes. “You think everything is about you. I did this because I'm a DEA agent with experience in the task. I was asked to take the job, the timing was right—”

“Bullshit, the timing was right. You just took this job to run away from me. At least, admit that, Milan. You're being a fucking coward,” Kevin said.

Ajay scoffed. “You've got a lot of nerve sitting there acting like I'm the one doing you wrong. We were done before I took this assignment. How in the hell did you get them to let you take Markum's place?”

“I'm your husband and a Special Agent as well. I convinced them that I was the best choice. Besides, we make a great team,” Kevin said.

“Made—past tense—and that was before you decided to fuck every pretty boy your dick got hard for,” Ajay snapped.

“It was just three—”

“Oh my god, shut the fuck up,” Ajay snapped, cutting Kevin off. He closed his eyes to center himself, then opened them, looking at the man who was currently making his blood boil. “Let's just stick to the case.”

“I'm not giving you a divorce,” Kevin said. “Not until we work this out.”

“Currently, I don't have anything new to report,” Ajay said, ignoring Kevin and moving on.

Agent Bryar huffed out his frustration. “Really? You've been in here four months and that's all that you can tell me?” he asked, switching into cop mode.

Ajay leaned forward. “Listen, I'm still prospecting with them. They have me doing chores and shit. They don't trust me with the actual functions of their club yet. These guys have been around for decades. You think they just let anyone in?”

Agent Kevin Bryar stared at Ajay, and the skepticism was apparent in his gaze. “What can you tell me about the murder that went down here a few weeks ago? Did that have anything to do with what happened to you when you were attacked?”

Ajay shook his head. “I told you, I was attacked as part of their initiation process. A man has to prove that he can handle his own.”

Kevin hissed. “Fucking barbarians,” he cursed under his breath.

“That's how they test men, separating the fighters from the cowards,” Ajay explained.

Kevin snorted and sat back, swirling a fingertip on the table as he looked at him. “You say that like you admire them.”

Ajay shook his head, because he didn't feel like dealing with Kevin's shit. “Just telling you why.”

“So, was what happened in the mess hall three weeks ago related?” Kevin asked.

“No, during my initiation, those guys were doing the Lords a solid by challenging me. I passed their hell week test. That was the only way they'd let me prospect,” Ajay said.