Mèng Yáo leaned over, kissing his cheek, which was her way of keeping the peace between her husband and her son when he was agitated with Ren. “Does he feel the same way about you?” she asked.

“He insulted me, Mommy. Every time I try to be nice to him. To get him to spend time with me, he acts like he's too good for me.”

That piqued Da Han's interest, because no one was too fucking good for his offspring. “Who is this fool?”

“Daddy, his name is Montgomery William-Price.”

At the mention of the offender's name, Da Han arched both eyebrows, then looked at his wife and Chen. Well, well, wasn't this convenient? “Go on.”

“He's this sexy Dom at this club I go to called Scarlet Letter. He goes by Master Ellis. I want him to be mine. No one is better than me, anyway. But he has refused. So, I looked into him. He's about to be broke. Probably won't be able to afford to even go to Scarlet Letter in the next three months, anyway.”

Da Han smiled because he could see the potential in his son for this kind of life. Ren had always claimed he wanted no part of the Triad, choosing to walk the path of an artist instead. Animation was his thing. He wanted to know just how devious his son could get. How manipulative. As far as he was concerned, this was promising.

“What are you getting at?” Da Han asked to see if his ideas and his son's aligned.

“Well, this is where the family can benefit,” Ren said. “His family's business is about to go under. We can offer to merge with them or whatever, in exchange for making Montgomery marry me.”

Da Han frowned, but not because he didn't appreciate his son's plot. But he was curious if that's what his son truly wanted. “You like this man that much?”

“Dad, Oh my god, he'severything!” Ren gushed and again, Da Han rolled his eyes.

“Don't be dramatic,” he commented.

“I'm not, I'm being honest. I want him so badly, I can't concentrate on anything else,” Ren protested.

“Are you sure it's not just because he refused your advances?” Da Han asked.

“No, I've been turned down before. I just had my bodyguards beat them up and I moved on. This is different. Montgomery is different,” Ren said.

“Are you sure you want him this badly, baby? If your father and I agree to what you're asking, you'll be married to a man who may give you trouble. Can you handle that?” Mèng Yáo asked.

“The hell he will. He'll be a faithful and loving husband to our son or he'll be dead,” Da Han said.

“I want him, momma. But there is just one, tiny issue,” Ren said.

“What is it?” Da Han asked.

Chen Yang sat in silence listening to everything so he could offer the best advice if asked. He was used to the Mujin men having everything their way. It was his job and honor to make sure they got it.

“Well, my research showed that Montgomery is friends with someone named Richard Harrison, who was recently released from prison.”

It did please Da Han that his son had done such thorough research on the man he claimed he wanted to marry. The name his son mentioned didn't connect with him, though. “Who is this Richard Harrison, and why does he matter?”

“He's a prospecting member of the Lords of Chaos MC. He's dating one of their enforcers named Diego “Dragon” Murphy,” Ren said. “Montgomery has been seen with Richard now that he's out, but my sources don't think he has any ties to the Lords personally.”

Now, the name Diego “Dragon' Murphy and the Lords did hold significance to everyone in the room. As soon as Vito Castiello set foot in Chicago, Da Han put eyes on him and everyone he was associated with. No doubt, if this Montgomery William-Price was friends with one of the Lords, that meant he could seek their aid. That would be a problem. That could interfere with his plans to take over their company and it would certainly ruin his son's plans to get the man all to himself.

“Are you prepared to have this man now?” Da Han asked after mulling the information over in his mind.

“What do you mean?” Ren asked in his confusion.

“I mean, are you ready to claim this man as your own? To live with him?”

“Oh yes! I want him more than I have ever wanted anything in my life, daddy,” Ren pleaded.

“Then prepare to meet me at the airport tonight. We'll be arriving at seven,” Da Han said.

“All right, daddy. I'll pick you up.”