“To kill, sir. To protect. To serve the Saotome Yakuza, however they see fit.”

Da Han stared at the man in silent judgment before responding. “And... have you killed?”

Jun De nodded. “Yes, sir.”

“How many?”

“Over ten organized hits, sir.”

Da Han pursed his lips as he let his eyes roam over the delectable man before him. He liked the fierceness of his light brown eyes, the chiseled line of his jaw he held high. The man’s woodsy cologne acted as its own seduction, calling to Da Han’s nature.

He trusted his wife had done her due diligence, but he needed to feel the man out for himself. “Are you in a relationship?”

Jun De shook his head. “No, sir.”

“Good. It's not wise for someone in your position to have those sorts of ties. Whether or not you'll measure up to my standards is yet to be seen. But I have faith in my wife's intuition. Do not let me down,” Da Han warned.

Jun De bowed again. “I promise not to let you down, Mr. Mujin.”

“Good, wait outside,” Da Han commanded.

Jun De did as he was told, closing the door behind him.

Da Han looked at Chen. “What do you think about him?”

“He's a killer,” Chen said.

Da Han snorted and smiled. “Yes, I gathered that. Do you think he can measure up?”

“My father sent him. He wouldn't have if he didn't think he could. Remember, when I'm with you, he guards both of us. My father wouldn't have sent anyone who couldn't handle the job,” Mèng Yáo said.

Da Han patted his wife's thigh. “Very well, my love.”

“Anyway, I want to know whatyouthink of him?” she asked in a sultry tone.

Da Han snorted a little, then gave his wife a half smile, one of his dimples coming out to play. “He's hot. I want his mouth on my cock, sucking the cum from my balls. Then I want to fuck him as he eats your pussy.”

“Do you think he's bisexual?” she asked, because those were her favorite pairings. Nothing gave her a thrill like two men who wanted her as much as they wanted each other.

Da Han shrugged. “We'll find out.” The sound of his cell phone ringing disrupted the conversation. He looked at the screen and smirked. “Our son,” he said before answering.

“Daddy,” Ren began in a tone that had Da Han rolling his eyes because he knew what was coming. “I need your help. But before you get mad or whatever, hear me out, because what I'm going tosuggest will help the family too. You're always getting on me to contribute to the organization. Well, this is me stepping up.”

Da Han chuckled and placed his phone on speaker, because he wanted his wife and Chen to hear whatever nonsense was going to come out of his bratty son's mouth. “Your mother and I are listening as well as Chen.”

“Hi, Mommy,” Ren said in an exuberant tone.

“Hello, baby,” Mèng Yáo replied. It was no secret that she spoiled her biological child, who was also their youngest. “Is everything okay?”

“No, that's why I'm calling,” Ren whined.

“What's the matter, baby?” Mèng Yáo asked, her tone soft as she comforted her son.

Da Han frowned at his wife, but kept quiet to allow his son to speak.

“There's this guy I really, really want. I... I think I'm in love with him.”

“For fuck's sake,” Da Han cursed, his head going to his hand in exasperation.