“Do you trust me?” Chen asked.

Da Han paused a few seconds before answering. “You wouldn't be sitting in front of me if I didn't. But understand, I will confide in you if I need your input. But all decisions are mine from now on. My father ran the Triad in the way of old traditions. I'm not my father. I'm in control of the Jade Dragon Triad and everyone, including you, will be on a need-to-know basis.”

Chen nodded. “Now, I know. I understand, sir.”

“Speaking of progress,” Mèng Yáo began, drawing both men's attention. “I have picked your new bodyguard.”

Da Han arched an eyebrow. “Oh? Tell me about him.”

“Jun De Valentino,” Mèng Yáo said.

Da Han cocked both eyebrows in surprise. “Interesting name. What's his background?”

“He's half Chinese, half Italian,” Mèng Yáo said.

Da-Han chuckled. “I see. And how does someone like him get mixed up with the likes of your father?”

Mèng Yáo smirked. “His father has been a very loyal member of my family. When my father heard about the attack and how we lost Jung Lee, he sent Jun De as his replacement. It would mean a great deal to my father if you were to accept him.”

Da Han exhaled, his nostrils flaring ever so slightly. His muscles tensed and he had to remember to relax them. He wasn't all that pleased that the head of the Saotome Yakuza was making demands on him. Sure, it was under the guise of accepting a gift, but he knew if he were to refuse the new bodyguard, it would be considered an insult. The last thing he needed was to cut open that old wound. The Jade Dragon Triad and Saotome Yakuza spent the better part of a year spilling each other's blood. It wasn't until a treaty had been made betweenthe two that ended their war. A Treaty of First Blood was made where the firstborn of both families were joined in matrimony, bringing the organizations together. Mèng Yáo Saotome just so happened to be the perfect wife for Da Han. Still, she had loyalties to her birth family, and those, Da Han couldn't ignore. Being in a union with the Yakuza only made his Triad stronger.

Da Han sighed and resigned himself to accepting the man. “Have you met Jun De?” he asked.

Mèng Yáo nodded. “Of course. My father may have sent him, but I still grilled him. I won't trust anyone with our lives.” She leaned over towards Da Han's ear to whisper. “And I believe you'll enjoy just how sexy he is.”

Da Han smirked at that, as he did enjoy the body of a beautiful man. “Is that so?”

Mèng Yáo winked. “And I can't wait to see you two together.”

Da Han chuckled. “Is he gay?”

“I didn't ask, but I'm curious to see how much fun we can have with him,” Mèng Yáo purred. “I believe he finds me attractive. A woman knows these things.”

“But will he find me attractive?” Da Han asked.

“Does it matter? He's ours,” Mèng Yáo said as she ran a ruby red painted finger along her husband's masculine jawline.

Da Han grunted because he'd prefer to know, but then again, it could be fun to seduce a man to his bed. His first wife couldn't handle the fact that he was bisexual, and though he never cheated on her, he did jerk off to bisexual and gay porn. Even that had been too much for her and when they divorced, it set him free. Mèng Yáo not only was his soulmate because she was just as ruthless as he was, but she also enjoyed seeing him with men. He never had to hold back with her.

“Is he here?” Da Han asked.

Mèng Yáo nodded. “He's waiting outside the office.”

“Bring him in.”

Chen took the initiative as he rose and made his way to the door, then opened it. “Come in,” he told Jun De. He stepped aside to let a tall man standing at six-one enter the room. Jun De walked to the front of Da Han's desk, bowed, straightened, and then stood still, hands folded before him. Chen Yang stood slightly behind the man, eyes watchful and ready to take action if need be.

“Mr. Mujin, it is my honor to serve you,” Jun De greeted with an Italian accent.

Da Han checked the man out. His mixed heritage was etched on his handsome features. Chinese and Italian and the accent was simply the cherry on top. “You grew up in Italy?”

Jun De nodded. “Yes, sir. My father is CEO of the Saotome bank there.”

“The son of a banker,” Da Han began. “I find it difficult to believe that you're fit for this position.”

“I wasn't trained in financial business, sir,” Jun De said.

“Oh? And what were you trained for?”