Vito stepped out of the bathroom. “Find anything?”

Demir shook his head. “No. I'm going to shut off the power. I want to check that socket. It should have been GFCI grade since it's in the bathroom.”

Vito nodded. “If it's faulty, that would explain what the fuck happened.”

“It would also explain why he felt comfortable charging his cell while in the bathtub anyway,” Antonio added.

“That is still stupid as fuck,” Vito commented.

“It's happened before, though, people have died doing that shit,” Antonio pointed out.

“We'll see.” Demir nodded and made his way through the house to the circuit breaker located in the garage, then turned off the electricity in the bathroom. He rummaged through the tool cabinet, finding the ones he needed. He returned to the bedroom where Antonio was sitting in the chair by the bed and Vito was leaning against the sink in the en-suite bathroom. Demir got to work on the socket, making sure everything was unplugged first.

It took a few minutes with help from Antonio for Demir to discover that the socket was, in fact, faulty. “The socket had a shortage in the wiring, which prevented the shut-off. That's why he got shocked,” Demir said.

“Fuck!” Vito cursed and looked at Vinny's corpse once again. “Antonio, take care of this.”

“Do you want me to handle it the usual way or call an ambulance since it was an accident?”

Demir knew what Vito would say. The route that would make them look legit. Also, Vinny had family who'd ask questions if he just disappeared. Best to let them have closure when they could.

“Call the ambulance, let them handle it. That's why we pay taxes,” Vito said, then walked out of the bathroom.

Demir quickly put the socket back together and even plugged the phone back up. When they left, the electricity was turned back on. Antonio stayed behind to handle the task he was given.

“What happened?” Zindel asked once they were back in the car.

“Accidental electrocution death,” Vito replied, his lips drawn flat, a wrinkle between his perfectly arched brows which showed his disappointment.

“Damn, that's fucked up,” Zindel said.

“You don't care, you made that perfectly clear,” Vito replied with evident agitation in his voice. The stiffness in his shoulders began to leave along with his tension. Now that he knew it was an accident and not a hit, he could relax.

“Did I say that I cared? No, I said that was 'fucked up'. But still, I'm sad that you've lost a man that you trusted. But that's all I can give you,” Zindel said.

Demir watched the two men slyly in the rearview mirror and knew Vito wasn't angry at his minx, just the situation. He knew that Vito respected Zindel's honesty—blunt as it was. “So, who are we going to get to run Desires?”

Vito leaned forward, kissed Zindel, and then looked at Demir. “Any suggestions?”

Demir snorted. “Not really. At least, not off the top of my head.”

“I have one, if I may make a suggestion, sir,” Giovanni said as he steered.

Vito cocked an eyebrow. “Oh? And who may that be? You?”

Giovanni shook his head. “No, boss. But I'm suggesting Antonio.”

Demir cocked an eyebrow. “Your boyfriend?”

“Must be some very good cock for you to be looking out for him like this,” Vito commented.

Giovanni huffed through the ribbing as he drove to their destination. “That has nothing to do with it. He's loyal and works hard for you, boss. He can handle the business at Desires.”

“Why not suggest yourself?” Demir asked as he studied the handsome man.

“Because I like what I do now,” Giovanni said, then tossed Vito a glance through the mirror. “You gave me another chance when you didn't have to, Mr. Castiello. And you're trusting me with Zindel’s protection. You put me in charge of his entire security detail. I take my job seriously. But managing Desires, Antonio can handle the fuck out that. He's a Made Man because he's family.”

Demir looked at Vito through the mirror again and could see the expression of admiration for Giovanni and Antonio, subtle, though it was. He'd noticed it.