Page 92 of You Will Obey

“I know.” I kissed him again. “Go, I’ll see you at the stadium.”

He nodded and left. I was sure he’d be taking his son with him. I put my photo books up, then found Ara adjusting the cufflink of his tailored suit that fit his cultural style. He was half-Greek, but his tastes always leaned to his Persian side. His suit was a black long coat with an asymmetrical line and black pants. The high-fashion of a Middle Eastern man. He looked extremely handsome–breathtaking, really.

“Your young son is quite randy when he allows himself to enjoy sex,” Ara said as he gave himself an approving once over in the mirror.

“That he is. Shall we go, Father?”

Ara sighed and nodded. “This is the first time I will have a formal funeral for one of my children,” he said and his tone was somber.

“I know, Father.”

“It… it wasn’t easy for me to kill Raphael all those centuries ago,” he said in a voice so soft it was almost like a whisper.

“I know, I was there, and I was wrong to say what I’d said, Sire. I remember. He gave you no choice. His betrayal couldn’t go unpunished.” I loved Raphael, but when he betrayed our father, he betrayed all of us. Ara had given him so much power, and he threw it away for a love that I felt at the time was doomed. A vampire and werewolf, it was unheard of. But I was sure plenty say the same about a dragon and wolf, and yet Tylendel and Vex had found love with one each.

“Titus… he was my second eldest. So grand, and to die at Alexander’s hand in his bed, nearly two-thousand years of experience and love. He deserved a better death than that. A death worthy of the warrior that he was. If I could, I’d piss on Alexander’s corpse for the disrespect he showed me and my children,” Ara said and I saw his jaw tighten in his quiet rage.

I stepped up behind him, taking him into my arms and pressing my forehead to the back of his head. “Titus’ death and all of the others was avenged and was not in vain. One thing, Father, Titus died knowing how much you loved him,” I said.

“He should be here,” Ara whispered and I noticed he’d raised his hand to his face and I knew he was wiping away a tear.

I felt my own chest constrict, because I felt his pain and I wanted to take it away, but I couldn’t. “Yes, Father, he should be here, alive… but his legacy lives on.” I kissed Ara’s head, then released him. “When you’re ready, I’ll be waiting in the limo.”

I walked away to give him some privacy and met Somchai on the way to the limo. His hair was still damp from his fresh shower, but he looked very handsome in a black suit with a navy shirt and tie. He joined me in the limo and a few minutes later, Ara climbed inside and we were off.

Ara sat on the dais in his throne looking kingly by his presence alone. To my surprise, my brothers were all present to pay their respects to Titus. It was nice to reunite with them, Karim I hadn’t seen in centuries. He was my favorite of all of my brothers and my heart swelled at the sight of him. I hugged and kissed Karim, Henry, and Vlad. My goodness, Karim looked so much like his dad, Ara. He was Ara’s biological son and gorgeous. Since our reunion had been centuries in the making, I would fuck him before he returned and I whispered as much in his ear.

“Oh, indeed, little brother. I’m dying to find out any new tricks you’ve learned over the centuries,” Karim said with a devilish smile.

“We have much to discuss and catch up on, brother,” I said.

“I look forward to it. I’ll stay with you while I’m in town if that’s all right,” Karim said.

“Certainly, for how long?”

“Not long, I am a Prince after all, I have to get back to my throne and help rebuild. But three days?”

“Too short, but I’ll be happy to have you,” I replied. He hugged me once more, then I moved on to my other brothers.

To Nolan, I shook his hand. “Thank you for protecting my children,” is all I said.

His hairstyle was different, not the boring Roman cut he’d always worn it in and he looked better. It was slicked back and parted, I liked it.

“I may not like you, little brother, but I will always protect the vampires in our Father’s army. Besides, I’ve grown partial to Jonah. You should see the way he can suck a cock these days,” Nolan said.

I fought the urge to roll my eyes. “Always a pleasure to see you again, Nolan,” I said, then walked away, but not before I saw the smug smirk appear on his face.

I chatted with my other brothers, the ones who weren’t Miguel or Nolan as more vampires filled the seats. They all had something to be happy about in addition to the new abilities they’d gained. Each one of my brothers were now Princes of all of Ara’s territory except for Greece, which Ara would control. Nolan was Prince of Japan, Vlad was Prince of Toronto, Henry was Prince of Hawaii, Karim retained his territory, as did I. Miguel was Prince of South Africa, which according to the conversation he shared with Nolan, was a dream come true for him.

It was the silver lining in all of this. There had been many funerals since the battles. Vampires, wolves, and dragons burying or burning their dead. I’d attended all of the funerals held by Kendrick and Elliot as well as Deacon and Elijah. Dante had one for the vampires and wolves; some had beenEmbracedand turned by him. He hadn’t formed a proper bond with many of the vampires he’dEmbraced, as he’d done it only to build Ara’s army stronger. So, in his case, he had very little to mourn. Cicero and Dominic were alive, and they were the only two children Dante officially claimed. He was present too, along with Josef, and both were very handsome in their suits. Marco, Bruce, Donovan, Noel, Somchai, and Derek were all here with their own children, save Somchai. I really appreciated Kendrick for sending so many dragons and wolves to help us. If he hadn’t, I know without a doubt, I would have lost more children and grandchildren. I was in his debt.

“I have a present for you, son,” Ara said and I turned to him from my own throne that was next to his along with my other brothers.

“What is it, Father?” I asked.

Ara snapped his fingers and my son Michael stepped onto the platform. A sea of emotions rose to the surface to see my son again, especially since I wasn’t expecting him. I hadn’t even felt his presence, so he’d been shielding it. I felt the sensation of tears just on the edge of my eyes and in the back of my throat. I was that overwhelmed. My other sons, with the exception of Dante and Somchai, all leaped up to race over to him. They hugged and kissed their brother, Marco and Bruce giving him hugs, but Noel, Dante, and Derek were more affectionate. I waited, allowing them time to reunite with their brother. Neither Dante nor Somchai really knew Michael. I would have to let them get acquainted later. Once they were done, I rose and Michael stepped past them to hug me.

“I’m so happy to see you, son,” I said and kissed his forehead.