Page 90 of You Will Obey

I removed my wet clothes and sat down on the lounge chair again, then wrung the water out of my long hair. Ara’s eyes were on me and I could feel his desire as he looked at me, but he didn’t want to fuck me. Just admiring the view.

“I’m pleased to hear that you are safe from silver, Father,” I said, because I was, but I also knew that was what he wanted to hear from me. I’d rather he’d not taken such drastic chances with all of our lives by testing his limits. I hoped that would be the last time he’d be so… experimental.

“It is. I have no further tests to run, my child. We cannot fly, but you can. We can’t conjure fire, but we are immune. We have no werewolf or dragon venom, but are immune, so that will all have to do. Whatever ritual Alexander did to gain the power the way he had died with him. Taking his heart into me was smart on my part, though not nearly as tasty as I’d hoped,” Ara said.

“Deacon and his wolves will be attending the funeral for our sons, Sire,” I said.

He cocked an eyebrow. “Oh, good that he is falling in line. And his wolves, did he give you a report?”

I nodded. “They are faster, Sire, like vampires are. Their bones are stronger and heal just as quickly.”

“Well, that is very good. What else?”

“Everything else, you already know. That was the only new development,” I said. “They are going to start turning more wolves. I did inform Deacon that he must send at least fifty wolves to all of our territories, Father.”

“Good. Fifty to a hundred should be enough. Josef will also have that number matched. By having to share all of Alexander’s territories with Kendrick, the land that I’d call my own has been reduced. But his terms couldn’t be denied. The spoils of such a war must go to all who fought for it. That is the integrity that we must live by. It is what keeps alliances strong,” Ara said.

“I will not dishonor an alliance in the future, Sire,” I said, because I realized this was one of Ara’s lessons to me.

“That is what I wanted to hear.”

Ara also disapproved of me abandoning Deacon when he heard the particulars of that night. By doing what I’d done, I had almost lost his much-needed aid. I’d made the mistake of thinking him and his pack weak, nothing more than cannon fodder, but I’d been wrong. Even without being immune to dragon venom, they were worthy. Their skills, both women and men, were astonishing in battle. Something I wasn’t used to seeing in wolves. Josef and Deacon and even Selena seemed to be Alphas who valued their females more than just for their pussies and wombs. Underestimating Deacon and Elijah was something I would never do again.

“Ah, I did want to ask, how did Derek take the news that he will be going to my Hawaii territory as a General?” Ara asked.

“Bittersweet, Father. One one hand, he is happy to be able to travel there, he’s always wanted to go. And the fact that his son, Jace will be his Lord, is a perk. But, he will miss being with me,” I said. “And I with him.” At least he was going to the territory where my youngest brother, Henry was Prince.

Ara nodded. “That is to be expected. The baby bird is leaving the nest. Rejoice in the fact that I was impressed with your son, even at his young age. I know that he can handle himself, he is ready. That reflects positively on you and your siring skills.”

I smiled, because hearing the compliment did make me proud. “Thank you, Father.”

“Now, bring me your youngest son. The one with another cherry hole for me to taste and fuck,” Ara said.

I smirked, then called Somchai to me using our telepathic link. It didn’t take him long to join us. He was wearing a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and boots. Not what he’d be wearing in a few hours at the funeral. Clothes did look fantastic on Somchai. Training him was far easier than I had expected considering he was a former rebel. I chalked it all up to him accepting his life. No doubt, he was learning to give into his instincts and the pleasure. Donovan still remained my most challenging child.

“Yes, Father?” Somchai asked as his brown gaze panned from me to Ara.

“Your Grandsire wishes to enjoy the pleasures of your body,” I said.

Damn, do I have to fuck everyone you know?he thought and I’d caught it. “Yes, Sir,” he said with his vocal cords.

“You will obey me and perform any command I give you without complaint or hesitation, is that clear?” I gave him a pointed look, so now he knew I’d read his thoughts.

“Yes, Father,” Somchai said.

“Watch your words, Somchai, all of them.”

Again, he apologized, but this time with a bow of his head.

“How much longer am I expected to wait?” Ara asked.

“I’m coming, Grandsire,” Somchai said, then walked over to Ara’s lounge chair.

Ara smirked. “Not yet, you aren’t, but you will.”

I watched as Somchai undressed, taking everything off. His cock, to my satisfaction, was semi-hard, which meant that he was getting used to and anticipating sex with men. It bobbed hypnotically between his legs, darker than the rest of his body, as were his balls. Simply beautiful.

“Straddle me on all fours, ass presented,” Ara said.