“It’s a surprise.” He flashed her a grin as he helped her from the truck, making sure to keep a tight hold on her hand so shewouldn’t run off. No matter how excited Big Abbie was about the surprise, he could see Little Abbie fighting to get out and play on the swings. “I’ll push you on them and watch you go down the slide after dinner.”

She tipped her head back, her cheeks stained pink. Even after all this time, she still got embarrassed. He didn’t know why. He’d do anything for her—big or little, he didn’t care. He’d doanything.

Squeezing her hand, he took a deep breath. He hoped Wes hadn’t fucked anything up. It was a simple enough task. Put a blanket on the ground, put food on top of the blanket. Easy.

“Eyes closed,” he said as they stepped onto the sidewalk. She let out the most dramatic breath he’d ever heard. “Is that a bit of sass I’m hearing?”

“What?” Her eyes widened, and instinctively, she shifted her ass away from him. “Don’t think so.”

“No? That’s weird, because I could’ve sworn you were just about to get real sassy with me, little girl.”

“Definitely not me,” she squeaked. “Don’t know who that could’ve been.”

“Hmm. Strange.”

“Super duper strange.”

Trying to hide his grin, he nodded toward her. “Eyes closed.”

He could tell she was trying to hold in another sigh as she let her head flop around in a nod. Her eyes squeezed shut, and he finally let a little smile slip.

Scanning the park, he made his way across the small grassy area, searching for Wes. He told him to meet him near the pond, but where the fuck was he? Surprisingly, there were only a handful of people at the park, most of them ignoring Jett and Abbie. Which was good. If someone made fun of her cute little dress, he’d lay a motherfucker out.

He shook himself. No violent thoughts on Valentine’s Day.

They rounded a tree, and horror filled him at the sight of the picnic blanket. He rushed forward, waving his arms around, trying to get the ducks to get away. They were swarming the picnic Wes had laid out for them. The ducks flapped their wings at him and hissed. Another snapped its beak—ducks had fucking teeth?

“Wes!” he roared, dodging ducks left and right. Where the fuck had they all come from?

“Wes is here?” Abbie called.

“Stay back, baby.” He tried to position his body between her and the ducks, not wanting her to accidentally get hurt.

“Where’s Wes?” she asked again, and he shook his head, kicking his foot out at a duck that tried to get too close.

“He’s supposed to be here, watching the food.” He’d have a talk with him about this. It was supposed to be perfect—he was going to propose after they ate.


“What's going on?" He kept his arms out, blocking her from the birds. "Daddy?"

“Ducks are attacking me!” That sounded absolutely ridiculous even to his own ears.


"No, not me. The food."


"Our picnic."

"Aww. You planned us a picnic? That's so sweet," she cooed, and he turned his attention to her long enough to find her starry-eyed. God, he loved her.

"Shit. What's going on?" Jett snapped his head to the side, finding Wes running toward him.

"Where the fuck were you?" he barked, and the other man cringed, his dark hair hidden under a ball cap.

"It was my mom. I had to take the call?—"