
“Abbie,” he growled. “Were you snooping?”

“Nope.” She’d already gotten spanked once today, her poor bottom wouldn’t survive another one. “Definitely no snooping.”

His eyes narrowed, looking like he didn’t believe her, and she shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Why did she have to blurt that out?

More guilt than she’d felt all day twisted her stomach as she watched him curl in on himself. “I can’t ask you like this,” he muttered, pinching between his eyes. “You deserve a better proposal.”

She didn’t really care about the proposal, as long as she got to marry him one day. Maybe she should just ask…she shook herself. He’d definitely hate that. But if he wasn’t going to do it, she might as well, right?

With a deep breath, she turned toward him. Before she could get any words out, he spoke again.

“Today was…not a good day.”

“I had a blast. Don’t know what you’re talking about.” He flicked his eyes to her, his lips twitching. “But, continue.” Waving her hand at him, he snorted and kissed her hand once more.

“I don’t want to wait to ask,” he whispered.

“Then don’t.”

Hope filled her chest, and she pressed even closer into him. This was it. It was actually happening this time. Her breath caught in her lungs as she waited.



Please ask.

“Abigail Little,” he started, his voice thick. “Will you marry me?”

She sighed, a weight lifting from her chest.Finally.


. . .

One Year Later

The Wedding Night

Jett’s thick arm hit the back of her knees, and he swept her into his arms, bridal style. A giggle left her as he shoved the hotel room door open with his foot and walked over the threshold.

“How does it feel to be Mrs. Carver?” he asked as he strode through the room. She took a deep breath, slowly letting it out as she gazed up at him.

“Little-Carver, you mean,” she corrected, and he chuckled as he set her on the bed. “It feels amazing.”

“Amazing, huh?”

Her head bobbed excitedly as she nodded. “Super amazing. Tonight felt like a fairytale!”

“You definitely looked like a princess,” he murmured, reaching out and stroking his hand along her smooth cheek.

“And you looked like a big, tattooed prince.”

The soft golden glow from the overhead light reflected in his eyes, adoration shining in them as he placed a soft kiss to her cheek. "I promise to always be your prince, pretty girl."

The realization that she’d just married this man, that she was going to spend the rest of her life with him, hit her like a semi. Time stood still as she stared at him; everything they’d been through melted away. They’d survived her parents, Jett had becomefriendswith Chris, and, no matter how tough it got, Jett was always there to support her and her business.