“Ready?” Jett’s voice pulled her from her thoughts, and she shook herself.

“I’m so ready!”

He wrapped his hands around her wrists and pulled them away from her face as he said, “Ta-da! Open your eyes!”

Her eyelids flew open, a smile plastered on her face. But then she took in what was standing before her, and a scream ripped from her throat as she turned toward Jett. Her heart poundedlike a frantic drum, her palms sweaty—terror consumed every bit of her unlike ever before.

What kind of psychopathic surprise was this?!

“Abbie?” Jett’s voice was frantic, but she ignored him as she started clawing her way up his body. If he didn’t want to be climbed like a tree, he shouldn’t have been so big.

“Is this some kind of sick joke?” she screeched, glancing over her shoulder at the massive brown horse—no, it was less horse and more terrifying beast. “Why is that thing here?! It’s going to kill us! Get me away from it!”

“She’s a real sweet horse, miss,” someone called, but she couldn’t think past the ringing in her ears.

Jett’s arms looped protectively around her, and he carried her up onto the porch. “Baby, what’s wrong?”

She whipped her head around and glared at him. “What’s wrong? Oh, I don’t know. Just that there’s a freaking human-trampling-sized creature in my driveway!” She threw her arm at the thing behind her, letting out a scream at the respondingneigh.

"So...I take it you're scared of horses," he mused. How was he so calm about this? This was a crisis. It was not okay. But he was acting like everything was fine.

“What’s it doing here!” It was more of a demand and less of a question.

“I rented a horse-drawn carriage. I thought it would be fun?—”


“I’m seeing now that was a mistake.”

“Understatement!” she cried, burying her face back in his neck. “Get it away. It’s going to eat me!”

“She’s not going to eat you.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” she said as she pulled away. "Are you a horse whisperer now?” His lips twitched, but he wisely kept his face neutral. “Didn’t think so!”

“You know I’d never let?—”

“Anything happen to me. I know. But all it takes is one wrong move, and I’m horse dinner!” She knew she sounded hysterical, but how was she supposed to calm down when there was a monster only a few feet from her?

“I’m sorry, baby girl.” He pried her off his body and set her on the porch. “Stay here, and I’ll tell him to head home.”

“Be careful,” she breathed. Her eyes narrowed on the beast as she balled her hands into tight fists, preparing to fight or flee. Likely flee. But she couldn't leave Jett alone to suffer—no. This was his idea. It was every man for himself. “You don’t know what that thing is capable of.”

Jett flashed her what she assumed was supposed to be a reassuring smile before cautiously approaching the massive horse. The behemoth snorted, its massive head swinging from side to side. Abbie watched with bated breath as Jett gingerly extended his hand, palm facing upward.

"It's going to rip your hand off!" she cried, bringing her hands to her mouth. What was he thinking?

"I promise she won't hurt you," the beast wrangler said, stepping beside it, smacking its side. She shot him a withering look before turning her attention back to Jett. The crazy man was petting the animal. Her heart was in her throat as she watched the love of her life smooth his hand down its back over and over.

She could not believe this was happening. It was like her worst nightmare come to life.

Jett looked over his shoulder at her, smiling brightly. “Come on, pretty girl. She won’t bite?—”

“Yes!” she cried, stepping further back. “Yes, she will!”

His smile faltered, and he glanced between her and the beast handler. Letting out a long sigh, his shoulders fell, and he tapped the horse’s side before stepping back. It let out a puff of airthrough its nose, and Abbie was positive it was about to bite Jett’s beautiful head right off his massive body.

“Take her home, Kip,” he sighed. The monster tamer twisted his lips to the side, sending her a quick look before nodding.