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The water was warm against her skin, the sweet scent of her soap filling the steamy air. Jett had positioned her in front of the shower head, letting her get it all. Thankfully, he’d redone her hair in a tighter bun at the top of her head so she wouldn’t have to do much with it after getting out.

He smoothed a cloth over her arms, then knelt to slide it between her legs. Squeezing her eyes shut, she tried not to let embarrassment take over as he washed her pussy, then her ass. It was so freaking awkward every time. She didn’t think she’d ever get used to it, even if he did clean her up every time he made her messy.

“How you feeling, baby?” Jett asked as he stood, hanging the cloth on the hook before lifting her and switching positions. She leaned against the opposite wall and watched him pour soap on his own cloth and scrub his body.

Her mouth watered as the water and soapy suds slid down his body, over the hard ridges of his stomach, down his strong thighs. She licked her lips, wanting to drop to her knees and?—

“Baby.” Her eyes snapped to his, and she found him smirking down at her. “What are you thinking about?”

“Don’t worry about it,” she muttered, waving her hand. “Your poor old heart might give out if I tell you.”

“I swear,” he grumbled. “I’m not that damn old.”

“I dunno.” She made a show of scanning him head to toe. “You’re not exactlyyoung.”

“Jesus Christ.”

“No, my name is Abbie.”

He blinked at her, then threw his head back and laughed, the water splashing off his body and hitting her. She grinned as he calmed down and tried to stop herself from gawking at him some more.

“You didn’t answer me,” he said, rinsing the soap off his body.

Oh. What had he asked her?


He paused and stared at her. “Yes?”

“Yeah.” She shrugged, her arms flailing. “The answer is yes. Unless it should be no.”

“What did I ask you?”

Shoot. She should’ve known this was coming.

“If I’m the best little girl in the world? In which case, the answer would most definitely be yes.”

He grunted his agreement—she knew it was his agreement because she’d proudly learned caveman speak. She didn’t have a choice; it seemed like all the men in her life were adopting that way of talking.

“Now, if you asked me if I wanted to sit in a tub with fire ants, that would be a hard no.”

“Well, I didn’t ask you either of those things,” he told her as he shut the water off. “But you’re right. You are the best girl in the world. And I’d never put you in a tub with fire ants.”

“Thank God for that,” she mumbled.

Stepping out of the shower, he dried himself off, then grabbed her otter towel with the hood on it and lifted her from the tub. “I asked how you were feeling.”

He dried her off, paying extra attention to her fun bits like he always did. Mostly because he knew how much it made her squirm.

“Feeling…” Horny. She was definitely feeling horny. Which was insane since he’d just fucked her brains out. “Good.”

He gave her a knowing look as he wrapped the towel around her and led her to the counter. Grabbing the brush, he gently combed the tangles from her hair. She swayed on her feet, sudden exhaustion hitting her.

“I need you to stay awake a bit longer for me, pretty girl. Can you do that?” Jett pressed a kiss to the top of her head as he watched her in the mirror. She dug her fist into her eye as she nodded. “Good girl. I have another surprise for you.”