“I can’t believe you just said that!”

“What? It’s true,” I grin, pleased that she’s smiling again. “Some guys are just idiots. You’re both probably better off without him.”

“And you’re a terrible person,” she says, still laughing as she demolishes the rest of the food. “But what about you?”

“Am I an asshole? It’s up for debate.”

“No, your ex-wife.” Hazel looks at me expectantly. “Come on, if we’re talking traumatic romantic history here, it’s your turn to share. What’s the story there? Spill.”

I huff a laugh. “There’s not much to tell. We fell in love, and got married, and I thought that was it. But when I decided to change direction, quit the partner track and go into environmental law, she decided that wasn’t the deal she signed up to. She remarried last year,” I add. “He’s the CEO of some tech start-up. Daddy’s in oil. They have a place in Palm Beach, and I’m guessing a private chef on-call to make her an omelette any time she likes.”

“Oh…” Hazel’s voice turns knowing. “That explains it.”

“Explains what?”

“Why you’re so suspicious of Avery, and this whole gold-digging fixation.” Hazel nods. “I’ve been trying to figure it out. You don’t seem like one of those men’s rights red pill guys.”

“God, I hope not.” I frown.

She smiles. “Relax. I get it now. You think Avery’s the same as her, that she’ll walk away the minute things get rough.”

I open my mouth to agree, then close it again. “We made a deal,” I say instead. “It’s not my business what they do.”

Hazel smiles. “Still, I’m sorry, about what happened,” she says, reaching out to squeeze my hand. “That must have been rough for you.”

“It wasn’t fun, I can tell you that much.” I give a rueful shrug. “But it was years ago now, and I’ve done my therapy, we’ve both moved on. I’m ready to find the person I’m supposed to be with.”

The words are out of my mouth before I can stop them, but hearing them out loud, I realize, it’s true. I’m ready for the next phase of my life, to find real love, and damn if the woman perched up on this counter with her hair falling in her eyes doesn’t seem like a sign.

Our eyes meet, and I wonder if she’s thinking the same way as me just yet.

Is this all still a vacation fling to her, or does she feel this connection, too? Not just the sex, although,Christ, the sex. But the easy banter, too, and the way we just seem tofit.

“You need help with anything?” A voice from the doorway breaks the moment. The chefs are back from their smoke break, looking at us with the kind of polite exasperation I remember from my summers waiting tables in college.

“No, thanks,” I tell them, as Hazel hops down from the counter. “We’ll get out of your hair.” I quickly clear away our mess, and follow Hazel out.

“Why do I feel like we just got busted sneaking in the principal’s office?” she murmurs, hurrying out the back exit.

I look around the familiar-looking path, and smirk. “See, you say you’re not a rule-breaker, but you didn’t seem to care all that much about public nudity the other night. Right over…there.”

Hazel groans. “I can’t believe we did that. It was a moment of madness!”

“And my room? And halfway up that mountain?” I tease.

“No comment.”

We make our way down the torch-lit trail, until we reach the clearing with both of our bungalows. “So…” Hazel says, looking flushed and beautiful in the dim light.

God, I want her.

But as much as my body craves to drive her to madness all over again, I’m not about to push my luck.

Not after the day we’ve had.

I lean in, and give her a gentlemanly kiss on the cheek. “See you in the morning,” I say, and turn to go to bed – alone.

“That’s it?”