I exhale in relief, seeing Avery light up, all smiles again. And she’s right: the lookout point has sweeping views of the dense jungle, all the way down to the glittering bay. While we were trekking through the jungle, Anna and the wedding team took the fast way up with the Jeeps to set up a romantic picnic scene. There are gorgeous flowers, blankets, and even a buffet table waiting with tea service and tiny cakes. “Look at the view!” Avery coos, and Robert smiles along with her, all Cash-related tension forgotten.
I shoot Josh a victorious smile, as everyone crowds around, delighting over the setup. Everything’s back on track – no thanks to him.
“Isn’t it perfect?” I say loudly.
Josh strolls over. “I don’t know, do you see all those clouds moving in? Looks like it could be rain.”
Avery looks up, anxious. “Really?”
“Not for hours!” I exclaim. “Besides, isn’t it a great metaphor? Sun… finding a way to shine through the clouds, just like your love with Robert has found a way to shine through the troubles of your life.”
I hear Josh snort with laughter, but I ignore him. “Now, let’s get some photos of the happy couple!”
I usher everyone into place, and help Avery fuss her hair into a perfect tumbled cascade. Their shaman comes to join them, looking surprisingly normal in a polo shirt and Hokas sneakers. Soon, the ritual is underway. Which, it turns out, is more like a half-hour lecture on twin flames and soul alignment, delivered by a nerdy guy I’m pretty sure is named Harold.
“In every life, we find the one who is meant to walk by our side,” he announces, beaming, as Avery and Robert kneel on cushions in front of him strewn with flowers and crystals that have all been charged under the full moon. “Our other half. The yin to our yang…”
“Where did you find this guy?” Josh materializes beside me, his voice a low rumble in my ear.
I feel the warm brush of his lips against my skin, and try not remember how his mouth felt blazing a trail over my naked breasts, heading lower…
I fail.
“Your uncle flew him in from his temple in Paraguay,” I reply, flushed.
“His cult, you mean,” Josh is still amused. “I got ten bucks he’s dodging a dozen extradition charges. If my uncle winds up donating all his money and dancing naked over hot coals, I’m holding you legally responsible.”
“I think it’s sweet,” I say, determined.
“You mean, you’d want Harold serving up a lukewarm cup of nettle weeds when you get hitched?” Josh asks, teasing, and I have to bite back a giggle. They’re sipping the ceremonial tea now, and from the expressions on Avery and Robert’s faces, it doesn’t taste good.
“Shh,” I elbow him lightly in the ribs, and Josh nudges me back, still chuckling, his body warm and solid beside me.
Too close.
I force myself to step away, and put a safe distance between us. Despite his teasing (and the tea), the ceremony is going off without a hitch. Avery looks radiant as they get to their feet for the final blessing, and then a sunbeam suddenly breaks through the dark clouds, shining gold around her like a halo as her dress billows prettily in the breeze.
“What did she do, send a scout ahead of us to find the best lighting angle?” Josh mutters beside me, and I smile in victory. Robert is gazing at Avery like she’s the most beautiful woman in the world.
“Shh,” I hush him Josh as Harold rhapsodizes about partnership and soulmates. “You’re just mad that your silly sabotage won’t work.”
“Says who?”
Josh leans closer. “I remember you saying a few other things last night… Likeharder, anddeeper, andoh my God, don’t stop...”
I flush, hot at the memory. His hand is resting casually on my lower back now, and all I want is to arch closer, and feel the hard press of his body?—
“I hate you,” I mutter.
Josh smirks. “Want to come back to my room and show me just how much?”
Damn him.
Even with him going behind my back and trying to wreck this wedding, I still feel that low pull of lust, my heart beating faster as he traces idle circles at the base of my spine…