“There’s a difference between being just another guy, and being agentleman,” he would say, over club sandwiches and iced tea at the club. “We’re a dying breed, so it’s up to you to keep the tradition alive.”

Now, I relax in the sauna across from Robert, and feel a bolt of affection. “It’s a long way from the Hillcrest Country Club.”

Robert chuckles. “Now that’s a lifetime ago. Is that place even still up and running?”

“I think it had to close a few years back. Something about a liability lawsuit, someone cracked their head on the patio.”

“You lawyers, always ruining the fun,” Robert teases. “Shouldn’t you be doing something useful with your life?”

“You mean like packaging three different Chrises together in an action hit?” I shoot back, and we both laugh. I know that nobody’s prouder of my career than my uncle; he insisted on paying my way through law school, and was right there, hooting and cheering in the auditorium the day I graduatedsumma cum laude. He bought me a fancy leather briefcase on my first day at my old corporate firm – and then was right there in my corner, encouraging me to give it all up and focus on environmental law, even when my ex, Kayla, was pushing hard to keep me on the lucrative (but soulless) partner track.

She hadn’t signed up for the ‘broke start-up’ lifestyle, she made that pretty clear. Sure, our vows said ‘for richer or poorer’, but she’d married the corporate hotshot, and even though we weren’t struggling by any measure, my career shift meant that the private club memberships, and summers in the Hamptons, and exclusive Manhattan preschools were going to have to wait a few years.

Kayla wouldn’t.

It was a cold wakeup call, that’s for sure, finding out just how conditional love could really be. The divorce was messy, and painful, but Robert was in my corner every step of the way. He’s always had my back when I needed him.

Which is why I can’t let him make a mistake like this, marrying some fame-hungry actress who only cares about the spotlight.

I look over at him, sweating it out on the bench opposite. “How’s Avery doing?” I ask, striking a casual tone. “She seemed pretty stressed last night.”

Robert gives a shrug. “It’ll pass.”

“Still, that’s quite a temper she’s got,” I comment. “Does she fly into a rage like that often?”

“She was just disappointed about losing that role,” Robert says, not seeming to be concerned. “She can be,passionateabout things, and with all the wedding stress… well, you know how women can get, wanting everything perfect on the big day.”

“But it’s your big day, too,” I point out. “You always like to keep things understated. Did you really want all this hoopla? Imported flowers, and Danish wedding planners, and five days of events?”

“It’s not so bad,” Robert replies, with a chuckle. “It’s fun to have everyone here in one place at the resort, and as for the rest of it? Well, whatever keeps Avery happy is fine with me.”

“I guess it all seems kind of fast,” I can’t help pointing out. “You only started dating a few months ago, and now here we are, up to our eyeballs in cake and confetti.”

Robert smiles. “You’ll see, when you’re my age, there’s no time to waste. But what about you, kid? Any hot and heavy romances brewing back in the city?”

“Nothing right now…” I reply, and it’s technically true. There’s nothing brewing in New York. But right here?

I think of Hazel: the way her body arched in my hands, the teasing sparkle in her blue eyes – and the passion in her voice when she gets talking about design, and production, and all the things that inspire her in the world…

“So thereissomeone!”

When I snap out of my memories, Robert is looking pleased. “No,” I reply. “Well, maybe.”

“Whoever’s got you smiling like that, take a word of advice from an old man, and don’t wait around.Carpe diem. Seize the day.”

“Is that what you’re doing with Avery,” I can’t help but ask, and my uncle’s smile fades.

“I know you’re just looking out for me, kid, and I appreciate it, but I know what I’m doing. Avery’s a fun girl, she’s smart, she gets the business… and I’d be lying if I said she wasn’t a treat to look at, either,” he adds with a smirk.

“But is that enough to build a life together?” I press.

Robert’s expression turns firm. “You know me, I make a call, and I stand by it. My gut’s taken me this far, I’ve got no reason not to trust it now.”

I can tell, I’ve gone too far, so I back off. “Hey, I didn’t mean to push,” I say lightly. “Just doing my duties as your best man. Due diligence before the contracts are signed, you know what us lawyers are like.”

Robert chuckles, the tension eased. “Sticklers for the small print, I know.” He gets to his feet. “We better get going, if we’re going to make our tee-off time. See you on the links?”

“I’m right behind you,” I agree.