It’s like I’m moving in slow-motion, falling backwards into the bushes as the cake platter flies up. I hit the ground, and can only lay there, watching in horror as that gorgeous six-tier chocolate masterpiece arcs through the air and lands…

All over me.


“I’m sorry,” the poor bellhop blurts, looking down at me. He’s clutching an armful of towels, already backing away. “I have to get these to the bridal suite. They’ve called up three times already, and I can’t… they won’t… bye!”

He takes off, leaving me laying there in the bushes, covered in frosting and chunks of cake.

I let out a groan. I can’t believe it! Could this night be any more of a disaster?

I’m just glad that this is a hidden back pathway. Everyone is at the bar, I can hear the distant sound of music and laughter, so at least there’s nobody else around to see my latest humiliation. I level myself into a sitting position, wondering if it’s even possible to get ganache out of silk…

And that’s when Josh comes strolling by.

Because of course he does.

“Hazel?” He sees me laying here, and stops dead.

“It’s me!” I agree, giving a wave. “Just hanging out, enjoying this lovely night we’re having!”

“I was just coming to look for you.” Josh moves closer. He looks down at me and shakes his head, grinning. “Do I even want to ask?”

“It seems like me and gravity aren’t getting along so well this week,” I reply, wry.

“Don’t you mean, you’re getting alongtoowell?” he counters with a smirk.

God, I can’t imagine how I look right now. My dress is sticking to me, and I’ve got frosting smeared all over my chest. There’s nothing left to do but laugh.

So, I do.

Giggling, I pick up a chunk of cake, and taste it. We’re way past me saving face here, after all. I may as well enjoy the damn thing. “It really is good. You should try some,” I tell Josh, licking ganache off my wrist. “The pastry chef flew in from Paris. I think she has a Michelin star.”

He crouches down on his heels beside me. “I don’t think I’ve ever eaten a Michelin-quality meal with my hands,” he chuckles. He reaches out, running one finger across my shoulder, scooping some frosting. He brings it to his mouth and sucks it – never once breaking our gaze.

My laughter fades. Heat blooms inside me.


“I like it.” Josh slowly licks his finger clean. “It’s sweet, and complex,” he adds. “Just like you.”

He leans in again, this time bringing his mouth to my neck, and slowly licking all the way from my collarbone up to my jaw.

Oh my god.

I drop my head back, shuddering at the wild sensations rushing through me. Josh’s lips linger near my ear, his breath hot on my skin. “You’re delicious,” he murmurs, and the low, hungry rasp to his voice makes me melt. “I’ve been going crazy all day, wondering how you taste.”

He kisses me, slow and hot; tasting like chocolate and pure, molten desire.

I moan against him, I can’t help it. And then his mouth is on my skin again, licking hotly across my chest, teasing my breasts as we sink back into the bushes, a mess of cake and frosting and reckless abandon. Josh closes his lips around my nipple, sucking through the thin silk of my dress, andoh, the sensation is so incredible, I’m clutching him closer, arching against his mouth, desperate for more. “What if someone sees?” I manage to gasp with my last remaining brain cells, even as I thread my fingers in his hair to hold him in place.

“They won’t,” he growls, ragged, kissing lower… lower… across my cake-smeared stomach and down one hip, until he’s kneeling between my legs, fists closed around the hem of my dress.

He raises his head to look at me, his eyes meeting mine; dark in the moonlight and full of wicked promise as he slowly inches the skirt up. “Nobody’s coming,” he adds with a smirk. “Except you.”

Well,damn. With a line like that, my good sense bids me farewell for the night… and something wild takes over. Something reckless.

Holding his gaze, I boldly let my legs fall open wider.