Hazel slips away, and now there’s nothing to distract me from Bridezilla. I watch Avery rant, my heart sinking at the outburst. I don’t know her all that well, but she’s been nothing but smiles and sweetness since we met. Throw in that angelic face, and the centerfold-worthy body, and I could see why my uncle is head-over-heels for the woman – even if she’s way too young for him.

Now, fury flashes in Avery’s eyes, and I realize, an age gap is the least of Uncle Robert’s problems. Because a temper like this? It doesn’t exactly spell ‘long and happy marriage’.

And I would know.

“She’s gone,” Hazel reports, returning from the kitchens looking grim. “The hotel staff is still there, and all the desserts, but she took her team and food we had flown in for the banquet tonight.”

“It’s theft!” Avery screeches. “Call the cops. We’ll have her arrested! Valuables over ten thousand dollars count as a felony and I know for a fact that Kobe filet mignon cost thirty grand to fly in from Japan!”

“Avery? What’s going on?” My uncle approaches, frowning. Clearly, he heard her wails.

Hell, they could hear us clean across the next island, the way Avery is carrying on.

I brace myself for more raging, but then a funny thing happens. The minute she sees Robert, Avery’s fury disappears. Suddenly, she sags, looking fragile and helpless. “Baby, I’m so happy you’re here. I don’t know what to do!” she clutches at my uncle, her voice trembling. I think I even see tears glistening in her eyes.

I guess the woman really can act.

“I’m sure we can figure out something,” Robert pats her, soothing. “Everything will be OK.”

Avery doesn’t look convinced. Then I notice that Hazel has gone very still beside me. She’s staring off towards a pot plant in the corner, barely moving a muscle – not even when a mosquito buzzes inches away from her face.

I carefully wave it away from her, intrigued. I can practically see the wheels turning behind those clear blue eyes, like she’s running through a hundred scenarios in her mind in double-quick time.

“Whole hog roast,” she announces suddenly, snapping back to life. She turns to the happy couple with a determined smile. “We’ll do a whole hog roast for dinner, on the beach. Set up fire pits on the sand. It’ll still be a spectacular banquet – Old Hollywood meets medieval. VeryGame of Thrones.”

“Aside from the whole ‘Red Wedding’episode,” I quip.

“Absolutely not,” Avery snaps, shooting the idea down right away. “Everyone’s expecting a big formal meal.”

“I don’t know, sweetheart, it sounds like fun to me.” Robert squeezes her shoulder. “And to tell the truth, all that frou-frou cauliflower rice and cashew butter wasn’t my kind of thing. Give me a slab of meat on the BBQ any day, right Josh?”


I watch with amusement as Avery struggles to control her temper. “OK then,” she finally echoes, through a very strained smile. “Whatever you say, baby. It doesn’t really matter what we’re eating,” she adds, fluttering her eyelashes. “As long as I get to celebrate with you.”

“That’s my girl.” Robert kisses her cheek, looking pleased.

Damn, she’s good.

“Then it’s decided.” As Robert steers Avery away, Hazel lets out a breath of relief. “If you keep an eye on things here, I’ll get a ride into town,” she tells Anna, already typing on her phone. “See what extra supplies we can rustle up last-minute.”

“I’ll go with you.” I offer.

She looks up, surprised. “Are you sure? Everyone’s relaxing here before dinner. I think there’s massage and oxygen masks at the spa, to help everyone recover from the trip.”

I grin. “Are you saying I need a facial?” I ask, teasing.

Hazel flushes. “No, you look great. Hydrated, I mean,” she adds, and her ears turn an adorable shade of pink. “Very… moist.”

“Moist…” I repeat, smirking. Damn, she’s hot when she’s flustered.

She groans. “Can we just forget I said that?” she asks, looking around to flag down the concierge. “We’ve got bigger fish to fry. Or rather, roast.”

Hazel securesone of the hotel Jeeps, and we hit the road; Hazel relaxing in the passenger seat as I drive the winding road through the jungle into town. At least, with anyone else, I’d say they were relaxing, but even with sunglasses hiding her eyes, I’m not fooled by Hazel’s casual posture.

Something tells me, this woman’s mind is always working overtime.

“That was some performance, huh?” I comment, thinking of Avery’s meltdown – and how quickly she dialed it back, the minute my uncle came around.