You’re a dick. I’m in absolute shock right now. I don’t know why I ever saw anything in you.
Lol there’s only one thing I ever saw in you and it’s between your legs.
Fuck you.
No thanks. Take this as a sign you should probably hang up your jersey, this is no way to find a man—or a baby daddy in your case. It’s one thing to look nice for the boys, but after we’ve fucked you a couple of times, the shine wears off and we all realize what an overused cunt you are. Just so you know, after this conversation, word is gonna get around, so if I were you, I’d stay away from the team and our families.
Stop texting me.
Congratulations on your bastard.
I angrily swipe at the tears streaming down my face. He doesn’t deserve anyone crying over him. Still, at the back of my mind, I can’t stop the feelings I had. He’s so opposite the man I thought he was. That night I scroll through the messages over and over, reminding myself he’s garbage. I didn’t imagine those awful things he said. They’re real.
The next day, I call his PR manager one final time. For whatever reason, I need to hear him tell me he’s not interested.
“I’m calling for Barrett Conway.”
“Is this Raleigh Dunham?”
“He would like to pass along the message that he is not interested in speaking to you further.”
“Okay, but it seems like there’s some miscommunication happening. I need to speak with him for a minute. I’m not asking for his personal number, I understand you can’t give that information out, but is there a private extension you could transfer me to so I could reach him?”
I want to hear him say the words. Ineedto hear his voice say he doesn’t want to see me or be involved with this child.
“He has already made us aware of the situation.”
“I’ve already given you your answer. If you continue to attempt contact with Barrett Conway, it will be considered harassment and he’ll be forced to file a restraining order. This is your final warning, if you persist, we will get our lawyers involved.”
I’m stunned into silence. I don’t even know what to say. Is this really happening? This has to be a nightmare. It doesn’t make sense. Nobody will listen to me!
“Fuck you and Barrett Conway.”
I end the call and go to throw my phone across the room, but snatch it back at the last second. I can’t afford to buy a new one. And if I can’t afford a phone, I certainly can’t afford my own lawyer.
One thing for sure is Barrett Conway will never ever get to see his child. I will protect this baby with everything in me. This is his loss, not mine. He’s the one missing out, not us. We’re better off without him. It makes me sick to think I ever had any feelings toward such a fucking monster. And threatening to take legal action? This is humiliating.
Later that afternoon, I’m interrupted from my nap when my phone rings. I crack my eyes wide enough to see the wordMomon the screen. I’m a miserable failure. Everything I thought about Barrett was wrong. I didn’t think he would react this way. He seemed like a decent human when we were together. At the very least, I thought he would be more kind.
“Hi, Mom.”