“Ugh, there you go.”
Her lips part, and she exhales at the same time I groan. Light filters in from the windows, haloing her in a soft morning glow.
She seductively rolls her hips while I palm her ass. I love that I can grab and squeeze every delicious inch of her whenever I want. This woman is spectacular.
I tuck some loose strands behind her ear. “I love you.”
Dropping to her elbows, she cradles the back of my neck and pulls me toward her. Her nose brushes mine. “I love you too.” We smile, and my lips take hers in a kiss I never want to end.
She sits back up and plants her hands on my chest, grinding her body on mine.Heaven on earth.
“I’ve got a proposition for you.” I’ve only got three days left with them in Hawaii, and I need to make plans for when we return.
She raises an eyebrow. “You want me to spin around?”
Laughing, I shake my head. “That’s not what I was going to say, but I’m not opposed to it.”
We’ve always been able to joke around during sex and it’s part of what makes it so comfortable.
“I was going to say…”What was I going to say? Focus, moron.“…going to say that I’ll be traveling a lot next year. Arthur will be starting kindergarten. I understand we’ve still got some things to figure out, but…I’d love to have you both move in before the school year starts.”
She halts her grinding and clears her throat.
“What do you think?” I ask.
“I’m still processing what you just said. You want to move in together? Are you sure we’re ready?”
I shrug. “I know all I need to know.”
“I have a house.” Her hips begin their lazy gyrations again, and I grit my teeth, praying I can maintain some blood in my brain to keep up my end of the conversation. It’s not easy when a naked Raleigh is riding my dick.
“You can keep it if you want. I have no qualms about it if that makes you feel better. But you asked me if it could always be like this. It can, baby. You can wake up and fuck me like this every morning until we’re old and gray.”
Her fingers run through my hair. “You’re already old and going gray.”
I slap her ass. “Aren’t you funny…”
Her head cocks to the side, flaunting a sassy smile. It earns her another swat—she bites her lip and yelps.
After rubbing away the sting, Raleigh leans back, bracing her hands on my thighs, her breathing becoming more labored. “The schools are good in your area.”
“Ohhh!” I laugh and sit up, wrapping my arms around her back, drawing her to my chest. “You’ve looked at the schools in my neighborhood, have you?”
She waves me off and continues grinding at a leisurely pace.
“I may have looked them up, for curiosity’s sake.”
“You’re such a liar.” I cradle her shoulders and flip us so I’m on top, enjoying her squeal.
She holds me close while I drive in and out, her soft lips tracing my jawline. “Where do you see yourself in five years?”
My brows knit together. “Is this a job interview?” I ask.
“Kind of, yeah.” She says it with a smile, but her earnest eyes tell me it’s an important question.
I sit back and massage her clit while lazily thrusting. I love our morning sex. “That’s easy… Here, with you, celebrating our five-year wedding anniversary.”
She scoffs and smacks my chest. “I’m serious!”