She laughs and leans her shoulder against mine. “Yeah, I wanted to play for the U but never made it. My seasons weren’t always guaranteed, as I needed financial assistance every year which was dependent on how much funding our hockey program got. It made things tricky, but I’m really thankful I was able to play through high school. Are you glad your parents started you so young? Any regrets?”
I never needed financial assistance, but my parents spent a ton of money to help me get to where I am today.
“Meh. I mean, I made it to the pros. I would never regret that or the work I’ve done to get here. I love hockey, but it’s not everything.”
She runs her fingers through her hair, almost like she’s nervous.
“Wow. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a winger say that hockey isn’t everything.”
“I mean, I just made C-level, I’m obviously very focused on our team, but I won’t be able to play forever. I’m keeping my options open. And I’d like to use my privilege to help others do something that actually benefits the community.”
“Good for you, Barrett.”
Our driver is pacing outside of the car. Finally, he opens the door and motions for us to get out as the second car pulls up behind us. We get a lift from the brother to the closest gas station and wait for them to fill up the tank.Fucking finally.
I’ve got to take a piss like yesterday. “I’m going to stop in the bathroom real quick. Don’t leave without me.”
“Not gonna lie, after all this, it’s tempting and would make a great story.” She smiles.
I pinch her side and drop a kiss to her cheek. Her little shiver gives me a buzz.
After finishing in the men’s room, I turn on the sink. The first one doesn’t turn on.Let me guess, they’re out of soap too.I move to the next sink and as soon as I turn the faucet knob it sprays like a fucking firehose, drenching the crotch of my pants. I throw my head back and sigh.
In an attempt to dry them off, I discover there are no paper towels left in the dispenser.Of course.
I give up.
At this point, the damage is done, might as well lean into it. I throw the bathroom door open and hold my hands up, hanging my head between my shoulders in shame.
As I trudge out of the bathroom, her eyes drop to my pants.
“I was accosted by a sink faucet.”
She narrows her eyes. “Sure you’re not just happy to see me?"
She steps toward me, and the heel on her shoe breaks.
I lunge to catch her so she doesn’t twist an ankle coming off those ridiculous heels. I’d rather not add a trip to the hospital to this jinxed journey home.
“Unbelievable,” I deadpan.
“Wait, it gets better. While you were in the bathroom, our driver left.”
“Are you joking?”
She laughs. “I wish I was. When I turned around, they were gone. I’ve already requested another Uber.” She looks down at her phone. “He’s two minutes away, but you’ll have to give him your address.”
Raleigh is the only thing that’s going right, everything else is falling apart. Including her fucking shoes.
We stand under the fluorescent lights, next to a rotating stand of maps and sunglasses.
“Thank you. This is turning out to be an interesting night.”
“It’s definitely unforgettable. At least I’m not the only one soaking wet now,” she comments.
“All my dates say that.”