Page 77 of Notorious

“Okay,” he replies, his heavy footsteps stomping through the clubhouse are heard through the phone line. I glance at Haven, but I still have no clue what she’s planning. At this point, we’re all along for the ride. “Brothers, I have Haven on the phone. All right, Haven, you’re on speaker.”

Suddenly, Haven bursts into full-on sobbing tears, shocking me that much I reach out to see if she’s okay, but then she starts, “I saw it with my own eyes. I-I’m so sorry.”

Swift is the first to cut in with, “Haven, calm the fuck down. Tell us what happened.”

She sniffles, clearing her throat. “Alpha… he landed his helo on the highway to stop me. But when he got out, an oncoming car slammed into the helo.” She lets out another huge sob. I would believe her story if I didn’t know I was alive. “The ball of flames was so huge, there’s no possible way he could have survived.”

Instantly, gasps and cries wail down the line as I stare at her, wondering what it is she is trying to achieve here when Swift picks up the line. “Haven, are you okay?”

She clears her throat and exhales. “I’m doing okay.”

A beep sounds like Swift has taken the cell off the speaker, and he talks quietly. “As I am now the club president, your services here are no longer required. Thank you for everything you have done.” He ends the call, and she shakes her head, glancing at me like those words confirmed everything for her while I sit here still trying to put all the pieces together.

I am still reeling from Poppy being alive. My head is still all the way back there, trying to play catch up.

Haven reaches out, gently squeezing my knee. “I need to take care of a couple of things at The Nest before we can head back tothe clubhouse to clean up allthatmess, but I think you have the answer on who hired me.”

Finally, my brain catches up, my mind flicking to Swift. My head races through all the tiny pieces of the puzzle that are slowly falling into place.

Swift first suggested Haven stay at the clubhouse.

He was always really insistent on her being there.

Because Swift hired her to kill me.

Sohecould become president.

Heat flushes over my body like a raging typhoon, blistering my skin like the heat of the sun. Sweat droplets trickle down my temple as my fists clench together so tight they begin turning white. My ears ring, blocking out the sound of the rotor blades. Anger ignites uncontrollably that my clenched fist comes up and slams into the side window of the helo. The acrylic cracks, the shattered line splintering up to the top.

“Hey!” Haven yells through the comms when she reaches out, grabs my arm, and turns me to look at her. My breathing is rushed and hard as she slides her hand up, cupping my face. “Look at me.”

My hands are still clenched, my eyes meeting hers and my anger still not waning, but looking at her makes this betrayal easier.

But only marginally.

“He’s my fucking VP. I’ve known him for years, Haven. Trusted him as my righthand man. Why would he do this?”

She shakes her head. “Did youvet him? I meanreallydig into his past and his family?”

I furrow my brows, but she turns, focusing back on the flight path. “We’re approaching The Nest, and we’re low on fuel. I have to park the helo in our aviation area. Can you keep yourself low and hidden? They may grant me access, and I can get them to refuel if the crew on the outside hasn’t learned of my defection.”

“And if they have?” I ask.

She turns to face me, grimacing. “Then they will probably shoot us out of the sky.”

I let out a soft chuckle. “Right! Great alternative.”

“Stay hidden.”

I drop down low while she turns on the long-range comms. A signal hones in seconds later. “Approaching helo, this is private airspace. Turn around now. I repeat, turn around now. Over.”

Haven picks up the comms and takes a deep breath. “Nest air control, this is Blue Jay. Repeat. This is Blue Jay. Requesting an emergency landing. I require refueling upon landing to complete my mission. Over.”

“Request granted, Blue Jay. Proceed to helipad two. Over.”

I scoff, shaking my head as she sets the helo down. “There’s a whole side of you I know nothing about. You’re a fucking badass.”

Haven smirks, cutting the engine. “We have to get through the entire base without being found and do what we’re here to do without being caught, then get back out again. I might take the compliment if we can do that and get away with it.”