Page 31 of Notorious

I see it—the determination in her eyes. I’ve given her the confidence boost she needed. She hasn’t been here long—barely two years, if that. She’s still getting used to being away from her family and being a part of the training regime. It’s tough for the first few years, but we’re all here with a job to do. Hopefully, I have given her the strength to make it through.

“I have to go. There’s a job to carry out, but hopefully, I will be back before your graduation. If not, kick some serious ass and show the rest of those little birds who’s boss!”

She leans in, hugging me again, and I embrace her back. “Thank you, Blue Jay. I hope I am as cool as you when I grow up.”

Letting out a small chuckle, I stand back and signal to her desk. “No more tears. Now get to studying before Crow and Vulture come in here and find you slacking.”

Hummingbird chuckles, rushes to her desk, and promptly sits down, opening her textbook. I turn, walking out the door, gently closing it with a soft click. Letting out a slow breath, I place my hand on her closed door, shutting my eyes and taking a moment.

God, I hope I have done enough to help Hummingbird pass the next round. Because I know precisely what awaits her if she doesn’t. It’s a part of the process I always thought was cruel. But The Nest needs the best of the best. So, culling the weak is theonlyway to do that.

Shaking my head, there’s nothing more I can do. I have a job I need to get to, so I walk off for my Jeep, my mind back on Alpha and the fact I need to fake-fall for a guy I like.

A guy I broke one of our cardinal rules—I told him my birth name.

I thought I would never see him again, and now I’m going to have to play a role and use my real name while doing it.

This will be hell.



Three Weeks Later

Use the powers of deduction.

That’s what I had to do to figure out a way back into Alpha’s life.

Originally, I planned to turn back up at Gears and meet with him there, but after showing up a few times, and he didn’t, I needed to change tack.

I began to think running into him might be too obvious.

He’s a smart man.

He might figure I’m playing an angle.

So I started to tail his brothers. Watch their movements to see if I could play that card, and I think I have finally found an in.

For the last three weeks, their prospect, Noah, has been coming to the same auto parts store at the same time, without fail. I don’t know what he does in there without going into the shop when he does, but my best guess is that he’s leaving with shit for the club’s motorcycles.

Parking my ride in front of the auto parts store, barely a minute before Noah is set to arrive, I pull off my helmet and make my way to the entrance. Spotting Noah pulling up in his van, I smirk and continue walking into the store, slowing my pace a little so Noah can catch up behind me.

He races up to the door, pushing it open for me, and I smirk at him. “Thanks. Not many men do shit like that these days.”

He chuckles, dipping his head. “My mother always told me to treat women the way I would want men to treat my daughter one day. It’s stuck with me.”

I raise my brow at him as we walk into the store. “Yourmother is a wise woman.”

Noah smiles. “She sure is,” he replies, gesturing for me to take the lead.

He seems like a good kid. It’s a shame I will be using him to get into the clubhouse.

We both walk up to the counter, where a cranky older man stands looking down at a clipboard, cigarette dangling out of his mouth like he doesn’t give a shit. He glances up, takes a look at me, curls his lip, then shifts his gaze to the prospect. “Here for your usual pickup, Noah?” he grumbles, placing the clipboard down and puffing out a ring of smoke.

Noah glances at me, rolling his shoulders. “Yeah, Joe. But the lady was here first. I can wait.”

Weakly smiling at Noah, I thank him with my eyes, knowing exactly how this is going to go down. I’ve also been scoping Joe and his auto parts shop. He is a serial misogynist with a strong stance on women’s empowerment issues. This guy is a real piece of work, so I know I’m not getting any help from him today. “Hi, Joe, was it?” I ask, feigning ignorance.