Page 30 of Notorious

She swallows hard like she is forcing something down her throat. “I haven’t been given one yet. I can’t pass the tests they’re giving me. That’s why they sent me back here, away from my squad. They told me I was letting them down.”

Slumping my shoulders, I know what that means. They give you three attempts at passing. After that, you’re not fit to be a bird and useless to The Nest.

“How many times have you failed, little bird?”

She wipes under her runny nose. “This is my second time.”

Drawing a deep breath, I nod, understanding what that means for her. I was in the same boat she is, only a couple of years older than her. “Do you know who I am?” I ask.

A slow smile creeps up her face. “You’re Blue Jay.Everyoneknows whoyouare.”

I let out a small chuckle, shaking my head, and I reach out, grabbing her hand in mine. “Do you know that every bird’s designation is handpicked especially for that recruit? To suit their personality, their style of fighting, and their aura. Everything about them?”

She widens her eyes like she didn’t know. “What does Blue Jay mean?”

Raising my brow, I smirk. “Well, a Blue Jay is known for their intelligence. But in folklore, seeing one may be a warning to second-guess who you can trust. Blue Jays are associated with trickery and deceit. But in contrast, they are also an omen of good fortune and symbolize protection and selflessness. It’s kind of a mixed bag, which is why my mentor, Robin, gave me the name.”

She finally smiles, slumping her shoulders. “Blue Jay, if I fail the next test, what’s going to happen to me?”

My chest squeezes at the fear in her eyes, so I do exactly what Robin did to me. “Stand up,” I demand.

Her eyes bug out wide, but she stands dramatically atattention, facing me.

“What are the three rules?”

She clears her throat. “Never tell them your birth name. Never get attached. Always check you’ve removed any evidence.”

I tilt my head at her impressed. “How long does it take for a person to bleed out once the jugular vein is severed?”

She smiles wide like she has this in the bag. “Approximately five to fifteen seconds.”

“What’s your name?” I ask her.

She grins. “Poppy.”

I exhale, shaking my head. “What’s rule number one, little bird?”

Her eyes droop, flooding with tears, her hands rushing to her face. “I’mnevergoing to pass! I just want to go home.”

I know I shouldn’t.

It breaks every fundamental rule.

But I step forward and pull Poppy into a tight embrace. She clings to me as the tears fall down her face. My fingers slide through her blonde locks. “It’s going to be okay, little bird. Do you know how I know?”

She sniffles, pulling back, and she looks up at me hopeful. “How?”

I sit on the edge of her bed, pulling her with me, and I wrap my arm around her shoulders. “Because I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t think you were worthy of it.”

She scrunches her face in confusion. “Do what?”

“A hummingbird is a messenger of joy, love, and good luck. It’s also associated with healing and transformation. It is considered to be magic because of its speed and agility. I believe you’re capable of transformation. I’ve seen you out on the track. I know you’re a pocket rocket. I know you run faster than everyone in your squad. You have the physical ability, little bird. You just need to get out of your own head. You knowthe information…believein yourself. And now that you’re a hummingbird, you also have good luck on your side.”

Her eyes brighten like a lightbulb has turned on inside, illuminating her. “You’ve given me a designation?” her voice is almost a whisper.

“Yes, Hummingbird. Now, don’t let it go to waste. You’re a fully-fledged bird in The Nest now. You need to prove to Vulture youcando this.”

She stands taller, puffing out her chest. “Icando this!”