“I’m sorry, but I’m not sure what the end goal is here. Am I missing something? Why not just kill the target and get it over with?”
Crow throws her hands in the air in frustration. “Not that you should be questioning. The client states they want the target to “fall for you…”” she finger quotes while rolling her eyes as if I should have known her internal thoughts, “… and then when he realizesyouhave been sent in as a traitor and are there to kill him, the betrayal will be all that much sweeter. The client wants the target tohurt.Not just on a physical level but soul deep.”
“Jesus,” I mumble under my breath, reaching for the folder. “Whoever the target is must have done this clientrealdirty.”
Crow reaches out, grabs my hand, and stops me from opening the file. “This client, I cannot stressenoughhow important they are to us, Blue Jay. You cannot, and I repeat, cannotscrew this up.”
Nodding, I inhale deeply before she lets my hand go. Slowly, I open the file, revealing my target. My eyes drop to his reference photograph, and my breath catches in my throat. My heart thumps frantically while my palms sweat as I stare at the picture, trying my hardest to find any discrepancies that tell me this isn’t who I’m seeing.
Swallowing hard, I slowly glance across to the name on the file.
Name:Stone Landry
Code name:Alpha
Occupation:Motorcycle Club President (Los AngelesDefiance)
“Blue Jay, is something wrong?” Crow breaks me from my internal panic.
Snapping my head up to look at her, I attempt to calm myself down and weakly smile. “No. Should there be? This will be a breeze.”
“Excellent, because whoever this target is to the client, he must have done something horrendous to incite this kind of response from the client. So ensure you keep your wits about you.”
My stomach rolls in uncertainty.
I didn’t find out much about Alpha the other night apart from the small amount of talking we did. He did seem on edge, but he was definitelynotthe kind of guy to have a hit put on him.
Maybe I read him all wrong.
Maybe I let my guard down too much and got lost in the moment.
Either way, I will need to play this the right way because if he figures this out, figuresmeout, I’ll be fucked. I saw a lethal side of him with the knife play, the blood.He thrived in it. If he knew I was sent in to seduce and kill him, I can only imagine what he would do to me.
Folding the file closed, I dip my chin at Crow while clearing my throat. “Do you have a way in for me?”
Crow chuckles. “I think we both know you have ways and means to come up with that on your own, Blue Jay. Read the file back to front. It has basic information on his past but a lot about his current situation. Job status. Who he affiliates with, etcetera. We want you to get a feel for the target. Get to know him as if it were a real relationship, then make a plan. Remember, we will contact you when we need to. In the meantime, get close to him. Make himfallfor you.”
“How will I know when it’s time to end the job?”
Crow slides a piece of paper across the table. “We’ll text this code to your cell. Memorize it, and when you see it, you’ll know it’s time to carry out the kill order.”
Picking up the piece of paper, I glance at the number.
Burning the sequence into my mind, I pull the incineration device to me—it’s made especially for this job—and slide the kill code inside. Adding my bird designation into the keypad on top, the device activates, and the paper is reduced to ashes.
Crow sits back, folding her arms over her chest as she looks me up and down. “You ready for a mission of this magnitude, Blue Jay? You have to up your game. Being tardy isn’t a show of good faith.”
Even though my stomach twists and my heart races so fast it’s almost hard to breathe, I nod. “I won’t let you down.”
“Only contact me when necessary. In the meantime, we require you to go dark until I send you the code. Once you receive the code and have completed your mission, call in. Then you can come back to The Nest for a debriefing.”
“Good luck, Blue Jay. If anyone can take on a task of this magnitude, it’s you.”