“No,” I say quickly.

“Please let me know if she gives you any signs that she’s scheming an escape.”

I take a last sip of my coffee. “Will do.”

“Sienna is smart. I don’t want to underestimate her because she seems to be playing along,” he says, then bites into his toast.

I digest what he’s saying. Did she kiss me because she wanted something from me? The idea has crossed my mind. I’m not an idiot. She doesn’t have many options right now, and getting close to me is a good plan. Why though? Does she think she can fuck me until I’m disoriented, then follow an escape route? That’s ridiculous.

She needs money and a carefully executed exit plan.

She has neither.

Her father has always controlled her finances. He’ll know if she makes huge withdrawals.

“May I ask you, sir? Not that it’s any of my business, but why did you choose Francesco out of everyone you could marry her off to? Wasn’t there a younger, more attractive option for someone her age?” I maintain an indifferent tone, like I’m asking a casual question.

“The opportunity presented itself. Besides, we’ll unite our families, and he can keep her safe. I’m not going to last forever. The simple fact of her being my daughter has put a target on her back. Francesco has the power and respect of the community. The wealth. I wasn’t able to keep my wife safe—not even from herself. But I want to make sure Sienna is secure.”

I listen to him, and the sad part is that he truly believes what he’s saying. He trusts Francesco to keep his daughter safe and give her a comfortable life. Wasn’t that the same life he provided for his wife? And the one she wanted to run away from? To even find solace in an employee’s arms. The reply stings at the tip of my tongue, but I shove it away.

The last thing I need right now is for Antonio to think I care even slightly about Sienna or her happiness.

Because I don’t. Sure, I feel bad for her, like I would for any other woman in her situation.That’s it, I remind myself. More than that would be foolish and dangerous. I can’t jeopardize my or my mother’s freedom for Sienna.

“Have you thought about what you’ll do once you’re no longer in my employ?” His question interrupts my thoughts.

“Travel. Go away for a while.”

“Really? Anywhere in mind?”

“Singapore,” I lie. My mother and I have chosen Brazil as our new destination. We can’t go to Italy and take the risk of getting in touch with old family members. We don’t want to be found in case Antonio has a change of heart for whatever reason.


Sienna appears, carrying a couple of trash bags. “We’ll need to do a Goodwill run later.”

Clara shows up next to her. “Sienna is as organized as ever. She picked some keepsakes to take and old clothes to give away.”

I look at her, and her father’s words echo in my ears when our gazes collide.Sienna is smart. I don’t want to underestimate her because she seems to be playing along,he said. What about me? Am I underestimating her?

I pop my knuckles, restless.

Something is wrong; I feel it in my gut, and I’ll find out what that is.



“We’re meetingthe wedding planner, right?” I double-check as I hop into the car. The past few days have been busy. I visited an OB-GYN doctor yesterday, as making sure I’m on birth control is a priority if I can’t sketch an escape plan soon enough and end up marrying Francesco. I chose a brand-new type of tiny arm implant that works right away against pregnancy. The last thing I want is to be saddled with is a baby from a man like Francesco. No child deserves that.

Matteo is driving, and the two bags full of old clothes are in his trunk.

He insisted on taking me without the chauffeur today and is driving his car, a black Audi R8. I guess working for my father has paid off. Regret flutters in my stomach. I shouldn’t think like that, should I? Maybe a part of him would trade the expensive car for a normal life.

I shake my head.Stop idealizing this glorified hitman, I tell myself.

I tap my fingers on my knee. Sometimes… I see a different side to Matteo. He acts like he cares, or at least that he’s not a completely soulless individual. How can I be sure? Maybe I’m projecting, seeing in him what I want to see. I’m so lonely in this process that it’s hard not to get attached to the person around me the most.