Page 8 of Unfettered

He threw back his head with his laugh. “No, indeed, not green at all. Fie, little beauty, you just gave me some of my own, didn’t you?”

“So then, you admit it are a rogue,” she bantered.

“I am a rogue, but I tell you frankly, I agree you are not so green that I must not try and take advantage,” he countered.

She giggled. “Indeed, I have often been accused of being a rogue myself.” She smiled sweetly and added, “You know, Don Rodrigo, you have hardly any accent. I could almost take you for English.”

“Ah, because I spent most of my youth here in England getting an education. Also, my mother was English and always insisted we converse in her native tongue.” The memory of his mother made him frown.

Jessie noted the difference on his face and in his dark eyes, but the waltz had come to an end, and they were immediately surrounded by young men soliciting her hand for the next cotillion.

She watched him after he bowed himself off. She saw him move towards Prime Minister Pitt. Her brow went up with interest. What would Don Rodrigo want with the English prime minister?

However, the question was soon forgotten, as she found herself besieged by dandies, rakes, and sweet young bucks. As it chanced, though, she looked up some forty minutes later and found Don Rodrigo still with the prime minister, and taking leave of her great-aunt and her uncle.

Ah, no casual meeting then. They had the look of gentlemen talking serious business. She moved towards her uncle, linked her arm through his, and asked, “Dearest,” her chin moved towards the portly Pitt and the handsome Rodrigo making their way out. “What is towards?”

He returned carefully, “Eh, puss?”

“Please, Uncle, you raised me with a mind dipped in politics, and I am not blind.” She almost snorted.

“Haven’t a notion what you are talking about,” he answered evasively.

“Haven’t you?”

Her uncle produced a small snuff box and flipped open its lid. “Impudent kitten,” he said, and hoped the subject was now closed.

An idle hope, Jessie demanded, “Uncle! I saw them together, our prime minister and Don Rodrigo in close conversation. What is the interest there?”

“You have a head for politics,” the admiral said proudly. “I suppose that is my fault. Well, so does Lady Hester...Pitt’s niece, you know.”

“Uncle!” Jessie said with a touch of exasperation.

“Have a notion you’ll suit,” he said in response.

Jessie’s eyes opened wide. “What? Lady Hester and me? I have never had the pleasure of her acquaintance, and besides...”

“No, no, silly puss. You and Sir Warren. Aunt Charlotte believes you will make him an excellent political hostess, though she doesn’t seem to like him. Can’t fathom what she wants, but there it is. He means to make a name for himself in Parliament...”

“She doesn’t quite like him, Uncle.” Jessie was now diverted.

“No, that’s right. She thinks he wants you for all the wrong reasons,” the admiral returned, much pleased he had managed to deflect her interest in Don Rodrigo and the prime minister.

“And what do you think?” Jessie asked with interest.

“My little Jessie. I think you shall do exactly what your heart tells you to do, but as to Sir Warren...” He touched his nose. “I am no fool. He means to have you, and can’t say I blame him. Who would not?”

Jessie laughed. “Oh, do stop.”

“Tell me, puss...what do you think of the fellow?”

“Well, I don’t know. I shall have a better notion when I get to know him better. Eventually...I think he will try and kiss me. When he does, I shall know for certain just what I think of him. It is rather difficult to know just yet, as he goes out of his way to be gallant and charming.”

“Shocking child...try and kiss you, indeed, and yet...wise, very wise,” her uncle murmured proudly.

Later that night, it wasn’t Sir Warren who filled her dreams. It wasn’t Sir Warren who took her into his arms and kissed her. Instead, it was a Spanish rogue she had no business dreaming about!

~ Three ~