Page 7 of Unfettered

“Spanish devil,” she bantered, and noted his interest in the Lady Jessica now doing a country dance with Sir Warren. “No, Rodrigo darling. She is definitely not in your style. She is, although a bit wild, quite an innocent.”

“Tell me more,” he asked curiously.

“The Lady Jessica, in spite of her wild and hoydenish ways, is contrarily very sweet, yes, and although innocent,” the Jersey shook her head, “she would not be a biddable wife, and she is someone you cannot bed unless you marry. She is forever surrounded by friends and family who would cut your throat should they deem you have wronged her. There, is that reason enough to stay away from her, my darling?”

“Ah, I see. Then come into the garden with me and assuage my...”

“Your what? Volcanic needs?” The Jersey arched a brow at him. “I think not.” However, she ran a gloved finger over his hard chin. “I am persuaded my Prinny would not like it. You see, he believes me faithful to...all of his interests, and in many ways, I am.”

“Very well then. My friends and I will soon be requiring the prince’s influence, hence, I must not displease him. You are quite right.” He gave her hand a squeeze. “You are very wise.”

“Yes, I am, and you are still staring at the lady in question,” the Jersey said with a sigh.

“So, I am...she tickles my curiosity. Introduce me to her and sanction a waltz,” he said on a low murmur.

“Outrageous! She is a debutante...a waltz, indeed,” the Jersey returned, but there was a twinkle in her eye.

“Dear-heart...I know you can do this,” he pursued because he saw that twinkle.

“Well, this is her second Season, and it would annoy some of the yes, you may waltz with her. Come,” the Jersey said, and added, “you know, the waltz is not yet widely accepted in London, and she may not know the steps.”

“Then I will teach them to her,” he answered.

“Arrogant devil,” she said as they moved towards Jessie, who had just finished the country dance with Sir Warren. The Jersey called out, “Darling, but here is a Spanish rogue demanding to be introduced to you. As he comes all the way from Argentina, I suppose we must favor him, however, I strongly suggest you send him on his way as quickly as you may.”

Jessie had turned to the Lady Jersey with a wide affectionate smile, but that smile vanished as she found herself looking up at the handsome and arrogant blade she had noticed at Vauxhall. She heard the introductions. She felt him take her hand as a blood-rush of heat swept through her body. She looked into his black eyes and managed to respond politely when he said, “Will you do the honor of waltzing with me, Lady Jessica?”

“Oh, I don’t think...” she started.

“Go on, my dear. I have sanctioned it,” the Jersey told her, and floated off.

Jessie had never waltzed with a man. All her friends had learned the steps at school and had a wonderful time practicing it amongst themselves, but the thought of waltzing with a man, especially this man, had her momentarily taken aback.

“I...have...I mean...” she started.

He cut her off again, his voice soft and encouraging. “Hush, beauty. Just let me guide you.”

His hand on her waist sent shivers up her spine. His closeness as they waltzed was thrilling and not unwelcome. Jessie had flirted a great deal during this Season with some of the young bucks who courted her, and had even experienced more than one young man’s kiss. However, this man was not like any she had ever encountered.

“You are quite easy to lead, my lady,” he said lightly.

“Because you are very sure of yourself and take control...complete control,” she answered lightly.

He laughed. “Ah, you fault me already?”

She eyed him. “Not exactly a fault. But though you may lead me in the waltz, I am not easily led in most matters.”

“I did not mean to imply—” he started, somewhat surprised by her remark.

“What, that I am one of many missish women thrust upon you?” she challenged him.

“But it was I who sought you out,” he countered.

“You know,” she said after he held her closer during the steps of the waltz. “I saw you at Vauxhall.” She waited for his reaction.

“I do know. I saw you as well, and you have been in my dreams ever since,” he answered gallantly.

Jessie laughed. “Oh, that was good, but allow me to advise you, I am not a green miss, which means I am not taken in by rakes and rogues...such as yourself.”