Page 4 of Unfettered

* * * * * *

He stood among friends, handsome, confident, and ready to take on the world. As he laughed, he felt something—a twinge, and turned. Nothing.

He turned and continued to toast yet another friend who had joined them, and again, felt something. He glanced over his shoulder but saw nothing untoward. Yet he could not dispel the sensation he was being watched.

He took a long moment and scanned his immediate area, and it was with some satisfaction he discovered he had not been wrong. Indeed, he saw an English beauty with red flaming hair, a heart-shaped, stunningly beautiful face, and bright violet eyes, looking him over with great interest.

This did not surprise him. English women had flocked around him from the first day he arrived amongst them in London’s haute ton. However, this one was different. There was an open look in those violet pools of hers. In fact, he had never met a woman with such deep violet eyes. Further inspection confirmed she was delectable in a way very different than her peers. She was not missish, and the people around her confirmed she belonged to the beau monde, yet...she was so young. He guessed her to be no more than twenty or so.

He was compelled to acknowledge her look for look, and tilted his head and hat in her direction. She turned sharply away from his bold antics, and he chuckled appreciatively before he turned his attention back to his collection of friends.

* * * * * *

Jessie continued to enjoy herself among her friends and family, but could not help but glance towards the spot where she had seen the handsome, if audacious, fellow she had found intriguing. With a wistful sigh, she saw that he and his friends were gone.

The evening progressed famously, because her uncle’s slew of friends descended upon them as soon as Madame’s repertoire of music had been completed. Jessie adored her uncle’s friends. They were good-natured, good-humored, and a great deal of fun.

Her uncle patted her hand and told her, “You see, my Jessie, you will be hailed the ‘incomparable’, every single man of my set tells me. Your ball will be a great success.”

“Uncle, I had a ball last year. I don’t need another. Could we not skip this one?” she said with some feeling. “I do so hate being paraded, and besides, I am not sure I even wish to be married. I love my life with you.” She pinched his chin.

He laughed. “Naughty minx. I may be lax in other matters, but it is my duty to do right by you. A second Season is what is needed. You were too young last year, but now, nearly one and twenty is the ticket for success.” He sighed. “As much as I may want to keep you in my household, I don’t mean to suffer waves of guilt by doing so. You need a husband...a life...children.”

She wagged a finger. “Do you know, dearest, I am not sure I want any of those things. I do so love being free...”

“Hush, Jessie girl.”

She dimpled. “No, you raised me to speak m’mind and so I shall. If ever there was a happier woman, I have yet to see her. No, dearest, as it happens, I don’t think marriage would suit me. There isn’t a husband I know of who would be as tolerant of my antics as you!”

“Puss. Lovable puss.” He sighed. “I am half-inclined to allow you to have your way and keep you by my side forever, but I know m’duty.” He stopped and pointed his chin. “Ah, Lady Jersey, coming our way with Sir Warren not far behind her. I have a notion he will be one of your admirers. Word has it he is ready to take on a wife.”

“He is ready?” Jessie laughed. “And what, give up his petticoat ways? I have heard about him.”

He eyed her with one of his savage glares, belied by the affection in his voice. “Now that will not do, I warn you, puss. You just can’t go about quoting me, you know. I have been at sea far too long to change, and m’language isn’t something you should be copying. What you need is a duenna, just as you had last Season. I have sent for Charlie.”

She pulled a face. “I adore Aunt Charlie, but, Uncle, you are the best company of all. I don’t want Auntie riding roughshod over me, which is what she tried to do last Season. You know that won’t ever work now that I shall be one and twenty.”

He snorted. “Aye, but truth is, there isn’t a woman alive who could ride roughshod over you, not even Charlie.”

“Uncle,” she released a short giggle, “you must not listen to all the dreadful tales you have heard from some of the sticklers. I rarely cross the line.”

“Ha! I have witnessed with m’own eyes some of your ‘crossing the line’ antics!” He lowered his voice. “Mind now, she is upon us, and the Jersey is one of those sticklers. You will need her approbation to continue as you are, you know.” He sighed. “Now, now, don’t get that glint in your eyes.”

“Glint in m’eyes?” she teased. “Why, because you want me to enact the simpering miss?”

“Take a damper and behave.”

By then, the Jersey’s regal stature stood before them in all her haughty self-assurance, but even the Jersey had learned to tolerate and enjoy Lady Jessica Stafford’s mildly wayward behavior during the last Season. She saw in Jessie something of herself when she was that young.

Jessie had never quaked before London’s premier hostess. Instead, she met the Jersey with easy, light conversation and a few bantering quips.

The Jersey turned to the earl and said with actual sincerity, “Thomas, as always, your niece is delightful. I never know what she will utter, and that is most refreshing.” She turned to her escort and said brightly as she rapped his shoulder with her fan, “Darling, here is Thomas from the sea with his lovely niece.” She made the introductions, then teased Jessie as Sir Warren unbent from lightly kissing Jessie’s gloved fingers. “No, no, my lovely Jessica. You will get nowhere with Sir Warren. Don’t even try. He is a confirmed bachelor, has absolutely no rules, and no sensibility for what he deems the weaker sex. I know, I know, he is devastatingly handsome, but be warned, he is calculating and coldhearted.” She laughed, and it was obvious she believed every word she had just uttered, although she seemed to make light of it.

However, Jessie also knew the Jersey was attempting to make Sir Warren interesting in her eyes.

Sir Warren gave the earl, then Jessie, a wide smile and murmured, “Even at the risk of incurring the Jersey’s displeasure, I must beg you to believe that she jests.”

Jessie looked into his hazel eyes and said, “Does she, but then, she only confirms what I have heard about you from so many.”