Page 15 of Unfettered

He roared good-naturedly and tweaked her nose. “Woman, is it? Woman, indeed. Well, let’s have a look at you,” he said, and spun her around.

All this was taking place beneath the gaping looks of Jessica’s crowd of friends and one other she had not seen enter Almack’s.

Indeed, all eyes were on the newcomer, and the manner in which Lady Jessica greeted him. Mamas hopeful of obtaining the lady’s hand for their sons were visibly upset. Young bucks who had been wanting to engage her interest felt a wave of jealousy, for Jessica continued to shower the newcomer with a great deal of affection.

Rodrigo moved into the shadows and found he could not look away from Jessie and the young man she made no secret of adoring. What was this? He discovered something tinted with green traveled through his blood, and it was most unexpected and unpleasant.

* * * * *

Unaware of all this scrutiny, Jessie noted that some of her friends appeared to be staring at her friend, Pauly, with open admiration. She laughed and said, “My, my, the young maids are practically swooning at your feet. Hmm. Let me look at you. Yes, you are tall and well-built enough. Your fashion is most appropriate. Your long, windswept and fair locks are very...enticing, and your blue eyes definitely could set an unwise young woman to dreaming, and by now, it is being whispered that not only are you a viscount, but one with considerable estates.”

He flicked her nose. “Jessie, Jessie, you are, as always, incorrigible, and I love you dearly, but you know I am not presently in the petticoat line. Still have some wing spreading to accomplish,” he bantered.

“Hmm, you mean you would rather be on your horse, following the hounds than here, so why, my Pauly, are you here? And don’t say it is for me when you have missed my ball. You and I have been friends since we toddled about, so why are you in London?”

“Jess, it has been too many months since you have badgered and bullied me. I missed you,” he answered evasively.

“Truth. I am waiting for the truth,” Jessie demanded.

“The truth is, here you are parading as a fashionable woman, and I wanted to see if you had managed to pull it off this year, for you made a muddle of it last year, didn’t you? Didn’t accept one offer that came your way,” he said on a chuckle.

She laughed. “Oh, Pauly, it is so good to see you. Tell me what you have been doing, and give me all the country gossip.”

“I don’t gossip,” he teased.

“Beast! I know better,” she returned, and squeezed the hand still holding hers.

“Minx, just what are you implying?” he bantered.

“Shall I tell ye, darlin’,” she returned with sauce.

“Just try, and I’ll whelp your...” he cut himself off. “Whoops, can’t do that anymore, can I?”

“Certainly not, thank the Gods,” she returned happily. It was good, so good to have her dearest friend at her side once again. “Pauly, tell me, for I should like to know, is it true that Lady Hamilton and Nelson have a child?”

He cast her a sharp eye but answered her. “’Tis true, minx, but you shouldn’t be sticking your little nose in that direction...”

“Just curious,” she said, cutting him off. “Doesn’t her husband mind?”

“Why should he? ‘Tis done, you know.” He cast a sideways glance at her. “Well, you wouldn’t know, not having a mother to put you in the way of things. Look, Jess, marriages are often arranged. We, well, people of our rank and birth...don’t ordinarily find ourselves marrying for...”

“Love?” she cut him off again. “So, you are saying we don’t, as a rule, make love matches in our set?”

“That’s the ticket.” He breathed a sigh of relief. “Hence, if a man...or woman for that matter, finds that they are married but love another, well then, naturally, if they are discreet...”

“But,” Jessie cut him short again. “Lady Hamilton and Lord Nelson haven’t been very discreet, have they? The entire beau monde knows.”

“Right, well, theirs is a long-standing relationship that has endured time.” He shook his head and laughed. “Zounds, you zany woman! Why have you got your head all wrapped up in it?”

“Pauly, I am expected to make a brilliant match. I don’t want to. If I marry, I want to marry for love,” she said with a frown.

“Sauce-box,” he said, and grinned. “You, I have heard, are being hailed the ‘incomparable’. Heard your name is being respectfully toasted all over town. You will choose to marry where you choose, for I don’t believe your uncle would force you into a union you would not like.”

“I don’t give a monkey for all the compliments. Truth is, I am heartily sick of London and all its festivities.”

“Aye, thought you would be by now,” he said.

“And the thing is, Pauly, I don’t want to be paraded as a marriage prize. I don’t even think I want to get married, at least not yet.”