Page 10 of Unfettered

He laughed and said, “May I suggest that you calm yourself, my lady. You have already drawn something of a crowd, more than is seemly. I mean to deliver you, willy-nilly, since you haven’t the sense to come quietly, to our waiting hack, and then I mean to see you home. I believe upon reflection, you will agree it would do you or your good uncle no credit for you to be seen making your way home in your soiled riding habit, with your glorious red hair a mass of disarray, and your pretty nose smudged with dirt.” So saying, he was pleased to find the lady speechless as he deposited her upon the seat of the waiting coach. He climbed in and sat beside her after he gave her address to the driver.

Jessie eyed him as he relaxed and realized he was correct. Her riding habit was a mess, and she could only imagine what the rest of her looked like covered in dirt and grass. She glanced away and out the window, then glanced at his profile. His dark lashes partially shaded his dark eyes, but faith, he was handsome!

He was, she already knew from her friends, considered quite a catch. His was from a noble bloodline, and added to this was the fact that his fortune was considerable. The English aristocracy were wont to raise eyebrows at foreigners, but Rodrigo’s wealth, even more than his bloodline, expunged such a thing.

He turned to look at her, and Jessie hurriedly gave her attention to the passing scene out her window.

She was a beauty, he thought to himself. Her deep violet eyes were certainly always full of expression, and he had found it difficult to look away when those violet eyes met his own. She was full of spirit, and so he had taunted her just to watch her flare up at him. He liked her. He shouldn’t. She was a spoiled English brat, and he was certain she was used to getting her own way, and yet he liked her. However, he was aware she didn’t seem to like him and that irked. Why the hell not? Why didn’t she like him?

Jessie suddenly dispelled the silence and asked, her tone tinged with sarcasm, “I suppose you actually expect me to thank you for your high-handedness?”

He repressed his amusement and answered gravely, “Indeed, I expect no thanks. However, I was always under the belief that it is a courteous thing to do when someone lends one his assistance. It surprises me that you don’t think so. It has been my observation that most English perform the courtesies. If my action, which you must know was to do no more than take you away from curious eyes and would-be scandalmongers, has displeased you, please forgive me.”

He was poking fun at her, and she knew it. She had fallen right into his trap. Only one thing to do, play the game. She lowered her eyes and in a subdued missish tone said, “For that, I do thank you...greatly.”

He threw his head back with his laugh. She was a veritable child, yet the woman in her could not be denied. What an alluring combination. Damn, but he could only imagine what she might be like in his bed. Alas, she was a maid, not to be tampered with and not to be hurt. However, there was no harm in a little flirtation...and there would be no harm in stealing a kiss.

Deftly, he took her into his arms. “Spitfire,” he whispered. “I know your game.” His lips closed on hers before she could respond. A kiss for a bit of fun turned into something hungry and a bit out of his control. Her supple, provocative body against his own spurred him to explore her in a way he had no earlier intention of doing. His tongue found and danced with hers as his one kiss turned into another.

Jessie had been startled, then his kiss had awakened something inside of her that was totally unexpected. Her body betrayed her good sense as she leaned into his kiss. Her tongue joined in with his against her will. She had been kissed before, but this...this sent her rocketing into space and all reason was gone. She had no will of her own.

His hand at her back, pressing her into his third kiss, aroused her in a way that made her feel wanton, and all at once, good sense broke the spell. He was no more than a womanizer, bent on taking advantage of her, and she could not, would not, allow it.

Breeding and logic came to the rescue. She pushed hard against his chest, and although he gave her no fight, he did hold her shoulders and scanned her outraged countenance.

“For the second time today, your behavior demands censure!” she said, her chin well up. “My uncle would have your blood for this!”

He chuckled and released her as he said, with undisguised amusement, “It would be a fair price to pay for your kisses, but if it is my blood you want, I think I should have another kiss.”

“Stop, oh please,” she said breathlessly and with some alarm.

He laughed. “If you wish, my lady.” He shook his head. “Jessie, you do know that I would not have kissed you like I did if you really did not want me to.”

She frowned and retreated to her corner. Was it true? Was he turning things around and putting the blame on her, or had she actually somehow invited his kisses? Had she teased him into such behavior? “I...I don’t think I...” she said in a faltering voice.

He seemed to take pity on her. “Ah, Jessie, forgive me. It is all on me. I shan’t kiss you again unless you will it.”

“I shan’t will it,” she snapped, annoyed with herself, furious with him.

They had reached her uncle’s establishment in Grosvenor Square. The hack pulled up to the curbing. Rodrigo’s dark eyes were shaded as he took up the challenge. “Don’t you think so? But then, perhaps I won’t wish to kiss you again.” So saying, he was out of the hack. He opened the door and offered his hand.

She ignored it as she gracefully, lightly stepped down, brushed past him, and took the slated steps to her front door.

At her back, she heard his low rumbling laugh, and burned with indignation. Faith, but she wanted to slap his handsome, too handsome face. Not want to kiss her? Indeed!

If she had the means, she would make him hunger for her kiss, then deny it to him!

~ Four ~

LADY JESSICA EXPERIENCED A FLUCTUATION of moods in the days following Rodrigo’s kisses. She found her normally high spirits dipping into fevered irritation as she attended routs and soirees, only to find Rodrigo was not present. In fact, he was nowhere to be seen.

She took care with her looks, her gowns, her hair style with every intention of dazzling the rakehell, Rodrigo, only to discover he wasn’t there, time after time.

It was nearly midnight, and she had given up all hope Rodrigo would attend the Middleton rout. Sir Warren was whispering something, and with a touch of impatience, she said, “What? What’s that you say? I am sorry, I didn’t quite hear you.”

“I was saying you are the most beautiful woman here,” he said, and could not keep the irritation out of his tone. “I was saying that the stars, bright as they are nothing when compared to your eyes.”

Jessie was too kind to laugh in his face, but amusement tinged her words. “You do that so well. One might even imagine you mean it, but I am sure it comes from years of practice.”