"I know, right! I can't wait to get some critiques during Week Seven. The guest speaker isSteven Soderbergh!"

"Oh, wow. I still watch his version ofOcean's Elevenevery weekend."

"Me too!" she says, and some guy rudely turns on the loud-ass hand dryer. Then he grunts.

What the hell?

"Um… What's that growling sound?" Heather asks.

"Nothing. I need to finish this research while I can, but I'll be back soon. I swear."

"Okay." She finally relents. "Try to be back before sunrise, okay?"

"Absolutely." I end the call and turn around. "Can't you see I'm on the phone? Like, why would you—" My sentence stalls on my tongue once I take in who I'm talking to.

This man is living, breathing perfection.

Dressed in a charcoal overcoat that sheathes a dark grey suit, his deep blue eyes are complementing his tie's sapphire pin stripes. His hair, a sleek raven black, is cut low enough for me to run my fingers through, and his chiseled and smooth jawline is begging me to step closer and caress it.

Stop it! Snap out of this.

"I was clearly on the phone when you walked in here," I say. "The least you could've done is stay quiet."

"My apologies." He smirks. "Who were youlyingto?"

"That's none of your business," I say as he steps closer. "You're intruding."

"And you're fucking stunning."

I blush, unsure of how to respond to that.

"I'm Liam," he says. "Are you here alone?"

"No," I say. "My boyfriend is the master poet onstage."

"I'm sorry to hear that." He looks disappointed. "I just gave him a hundred dollars to stop reading and put us out of our misery."

"I gave him twenty an hour ago, so he probably thought it was a tip."

He smiles. "So, he'snotyour boyfriend?"


"Does that mean you can tell me your name?"


"Hmmm.Rebecca." The name rolls off his tongue so seductively that I wish I could hear him say my real one. "Can I buy you a drink?"

I nod, and he opens the door, ushering me into the hall. Clasping my hand, he leads me up two flights of steps to a tin-covered rooftop.

A waitress serves us wine, and I glance at my phone to ensure I have plenty of time to catch the last three trains of the night.

"What do you do for a living?" he asks.

"Nothing. I'm just studying right now."

"So, are you in graduate school or college?"