“Yes, well…” she avoids my gaze. “I won’t take up more than twenty minutes of your time.”

My mother forces the door open from behind.

“Thank you, Miss Bradley,” she says. “Can I get you a cup of coffee or some tea perhaps?”

“Black tea would be great!”

“When exactly did the relationship become sexual?”

“I don’t recall.”

“Miss Edwards, you’re under oath.”

“I don’t remember,” I say. “I don’t have it marked on my calendar.”

“But the relationship did become sexual?”


“Did this ever happen on school grounds?”

“It’s a blur,” I say. “I don’t remember all the specifics.”

She nods and picks up a sheet of paper. “This is an essay you wrote two weeks ago, which gives vivid details about your last few months at school. You brag in the opening about having a photogenic memory.”

“Yes, we fucked on school grounds.”

“Thank you. Now—”

“I enjoyed every second of it,” I say. “I wanted us to do it a lot more, and I wanted to marry him and have his children. I still want that, because no man I’ve ever dated has ever loved me the way he loved me.”

“Miss Edwards…”

“I willlieif you put me on the stand,” I say. “I’ll act like I never met him, or do whatever I have to do to prevent him from getting in trouble because he didn’t do anything wrong. He evenleft me in the end because he found out that I was lying about my age…” I stand to my feet.

“If you lie, you’ll be committing perjury and you might get a prison sentence for yourself, Miss Edwards.”

“Prison sounds like the only place I can find freedom these days.” I grab my coat. “Looking forward to it.”

I storm out of the house and make my way to the garage. I slide behind the wheel of my car and drive with no destination in mind.


Harvard Professor Fired Over Rape Charges

Liam Donovan Peterson Dropped from Chair Position

Brett Shaw Holds Press Conference, Vows to “Prosecute to the Fullest Extent of the Law”



The courthouse is quiet at sunrise. The only signs of life are the pigeons pecking at the steps.

Pushing the doors open, I pace outside the assigned courtroom and watch lawyers, judges, and witnesses file through the hallway.

Mid-morning, Brett strolls through the doors, flanked by two suits.