

You are a SACK OF SHIT.

How long have you been screwing Liam behind my back?!!!



Iread Lauren’s latest messages one last time before muting her number.


Can you please meet me somewhere tonight?


Yes. I was about to ask you the same thing.



Whimstery Beach is purposely named to mislead tourists. It’s a hole in the wall coffee shop that serves chicken tortilla soup and grilled cheese sandwiches whenever the manager feels like it.

It’s the perfect place to go when you feel like shit.

I make sure my oversized sunglasses are secure before stepping inside. Looking around, I spot Liam near the back, nursing a cup of tea.

“Hi.” I approach his table.

“Hey.” He pats the seat next to him, but I sit across instead.

“Lauren hates me,” I say. “She fucking hates me.”

“I know.” He leans over and gently pulls the sunglasses off my face. Staring into my eyes, he clasps my hand atop the table, temporarily calming me.

“Have you eaten anything since you told Brett?” he asks.

I shake my head, and he signals for the waitress.

He orders enough to feed four and a coffee carafe.

“I’m sorry Brett ruined your chance to tell Lauren,” I say. “If I’d known that’s how he would’ve reacted, I swear I would’ve come up with a different strategy.”

“Don’t,” he interrupts. “We can’t start a new chapter with a recap of the one before it.”

“I can give you a list of authors and their books who disagree.”

His lips curve into a smile. “Do you have plans for next weekend?”

“Outside of crying, writing, and showering, no.”

“We should get out of town for a while, then,” he says. “I want to show you something.”

“We can’t avoid discussing what happened, Liam.”