“No.” My voice cracks. “This is me saying I don’t belong with you. I’m sorry, Brett. I can’t marry you, let alone be in this relationship anymore.”

“Wait a minute…” He narrows his eyes. “Exeter, right? Was he your teacher when you were fucking him?”

I swallow. “That doesn’t matter.”

“Oh, that’s rich.” He scoffs. “You were a little teacher’s pet with Daddy issues?”

“Brett, it wasn’t like that.”

“Does Lauren know about this?”

“He’s going to break it to her this week.”

“This week?” He laughs cruelly. “No wonder she looked so happy when I saw her at Waldman’s just now. I hate to ruin her day, but she needs to know.”

“She will, when Liam tells her this week.”

“Nah.” He steps back and then turns away. “I think I need to run down there and tell her now.”

“Brett, don’t.”

“By the way, the Statute of limitations on statutory rape is ten years,” Brett says. “If he was your teacher and he was sleeping with you, I’ll need to make him pay for that.”

“You wouldn’t.”


He rushes past me, and I trip over a rug trying to follow.

The elevator doors are shutting when I make it to the hallway, so I run down the emergency stairwell.

When I make it to the cafe, Lauren is waving at me and Brett is hallway to her.

Delusional, I walk faster, as if I can catch him somehow.

“Hey guys!” she says. “I know we agreed to meet up when Brett got back from Japan, but I was thinking someplace a lot more fun than this. And hopefully another double date if…Well, you know, Gen-Gen. I’m talking to Liam this weekend.”

“Liam is fucking Genevieve,” Brett says, and then, as if he needs to make sure it’s’ absolutely clear. “Your boyfriend is fucking the woman I was literally just proposing to.”

The smile on Lauren’s face fades.

“Come on.” She pushes my shoulder. “This isn’t a funny joke, you two.”

“It’s not a joke,” Brett says. “He was fucking her when he was her teacher, too. They had a relationship before apparently, and they want to be together.”

“Genevieve…” Lauren shakes her head. “Tell me this is a joke. Please? Like, now.”

“It’s not a joke,” I say.

She blinks a few times, and suddenly she raises her hand and slaps me across the face.

“Stay the hell away from me.” She hisses before leaving.

“I with Lauren.” Brett rubs salt into the wound. “Stay the hell away from me, too.”