His son’s name—my deadbeat ass father—has never deserved a spot, but I placed his name in small cursive under the Latin phrase “Things That Tried to Destroy Me.”

“I’m so sorry, Liam,” he says, “I’ll never forgive myself for contributing to him being born.”

“It’s not your fault.”

“I wish I could believe that.” He gives me a hug. “Whenever you need me, I’ll be around.”

“Thanks.” I wait until he’s walked down my pathway before returning to my office.

I pull a random book from a box and credit myself for not thinking about last night for the past five minutes.

I can forget ever seeing her. This is progress.

Flipping the cover open, I read the opening lines.

I met the most beautiful woman at a bar last night.

Ink-haired with chestnut-colored eyes I’ll never forget, she

I shut the book and opt for a cold shower.



Sunday morning

Exeter, New Hampshire

The wood ceiling fans creak and hiss with every spin, spreading the last of summer’s warm air around a stuffy room. Even though our academy boasts about its “billion dollar endowment,” it refuses to install air conditioning in all its buildings.

I’m pacing outside the principal’s office, wringing my hands while my mind races in a million directions. I’ve been summoned here so many times this year that I can distinguish every line on the floor.

“Miss Edwards?” The secretary peers her head around the corner.

“Yes, Miss Swift?”

“Principal Peterson is ready to see you now.”

“Okay.” I smooth my plaid uniform skirt before walking down the hall.

I step in front of the oversized doors that enclose his office and take a deep breath before knocking.

“Come in, Miss Edwards,” he says.

I walk inside, expecting to see him sitting in his leather desk chair like usual, but he’s standing by the windows.

With salt and pepper hair and faint wrinkles, he looks exactly like the other headmasters whose portraits hang high on his walls.

“Have a seat,” he says, his voice firm.

I oblige, and he waits several minutes before turning around to face me.

“Aren’t you tired of seeing me in this office, Miss Edwards?”

Beyond tired.I bite my lip and nod in response.

“Do you have any idea how many scenarios were running through my mind when the police called me last night?”