Water this every time you think of me.


Liam just asked me for a break. Call me!


I need your advice!

I sighand set down my phone as another knock comes to the door. I open it, assuming Brett has sent something else sweet, but it’s Liam.

He looks as fucked up as I feel.

“I’m busy right now.” I barely manage. “Whatever it is that you want to say will probably be better via text or email.”

“I agree.” He nods. “We’re on the same page about that.”

“So, go away.”

“No.” He shakes his head. “I didn’t come here to ‘say’ anything.”

“Then why the hell are you here?”

He grabs my waist and pulls me flush against his chest, kissing me.

I give in and he walks me backward, shutting the door behind us.

Still kissing me, he leads me onto the balcony and pushes me against the glass door.

Pulling my robe open, he slips two fingers deep inside me before pulling them out and thrusting his cock into me all at once.

There’s no time for foreplay.

“Ahhhh, Liam.” I moan his name as he fucks me recklessly, as our bodies connect even more perfectly than they did before.

I come with his name on my lips, with his mouth buried against my neck.

He pulls out of me and heads to the door.

“Wait,” I say. “Don’t.”

“Don’t what?”

“Leave.” I stare into his eyes. “Please don’t leave me again.”

“I won’t.” He kisses me and pulls me into bed.

He stays the rest of the night, making love to me and making it more than clear that he’s the only man I’ll ever truly love.



On Monday morning, Brett's mutual friend Seth insists that I join him for an early morning run.

Even though my limbs feel useless, I agree to meet him at Newbury Park.

I lag behind him for the first two miles, but by the fourth, I’m in form, and my mind is much clearer.