“What the hell did she do to you?” Lauren sets a steaming cup of tea in front of me.

“Huh?” I notice she’s wearing a lacy red negligee. “What are you talking about?”

“The woman who hurt you,” she says. “You’ve never said anything about your ex-wife. Are you scared I might know her?”

I set down my pen and smile.

“Don’t do that,” she says. “Your smile disarms me, and this is serious.”

“Then why are you wearing lingerie?”

“Because I’m hoping you’ll tell me that this intense project is almost done and you’ll fuck me.”

“It’s not done.”

“If you don’t finish it by the end of the month, would it really be that terrible?” She sits in my lap, threading her fingers through my hair.

“I guess not,” I say. “I just won’t get paid. Then I’ll lose my seven-figure salary and have to live on the street.”

“You can move into my studio, if it gets that bad.” She shrugs. “It’s bigger than it looks.”

“I appreciate your offer, but if I became dependent on you, I would no longer be your type, correct?”

“Yeah.” She nods. “You’d be a bum.” She caresses my chest and presses a kiss against my neck.

“I guess I can hold out longer.” She slides off my lap and pulls on a sweatshirt. “Want anything from the coffee cart downstairs?”

“A bagel would be nice.”

“Can I get truffle butter on mine?”

“Of course.”

“Perfect!” She pulls on her leggings and leaves the room.

She knocks on the door five minutes later.


It’s not her.

It’s Genevieve.

“You left something.” She holds up my license.

I try to grab it, but she moves it behind her back. “I didn’t deserve to be left like that.”

“No, you deserved to bestoned.” He growls. “You nearly fucking ruined me.”

“‘What the hell are you talking about?”

“You almost cost my grandfather his legacy.” He glares at me. “You could’ve cost me my job, too. I managed to resign before shit hit the fan, but you really fucked me over.”

“Liam...” She looks genuinely confused. “I don’t understand.”

“You lied to me the first night we met.”

“You’re just now figuring out my real name was never ‘Rebecca’? Really?”