
Lauren looks completely oblivious to this pissing match. She’s too busy tasting mini cupcakes.

“Okay…” I pick up a glass and raise it. “Let’s have a toast to us enjoying our careers this year.”

“So, even with all your connections, you still have a salary cap and your main job is to win cases.” Liam glares at Brett.

“I don’t just win cases, Liam,” Brett refuses to back down. “I dismantle them and make them regret ever going against me.”

Liam arches a brow, and I down my wine alone.

“Like my last case,” he says. “This guy and his family hired a hitman to kill his sister-in-law. I knew it, he knew it, and his lawyer knew it, but all the evidence was circumstantial.”

I fake a smile as he speaks. I can still remember all the nights he kept me up until sunrise venting about it. How he read and reread the newspapers questioning if he was “way too young” to handle such a case.

“I offered the guy a twelve-year prison sentence in exchange for snitching on his family members, but he turned me down. We went to trial and he ended up getting a life sentence.”

“Is there a point coming with this story, Brett?” Liam asks. “Sounds like typical legal work.”

“After the trial, I secretly wiretapped his mother’s phone and found out she and a few other family members were cheating their taxes and framing banks. So, I submitted an anonymous complaint to the feds and they took over from there.” He smiles. “Now, the whole family will spend the next thirty years in separate prisons, and they’ll never talk to each other again. All because they dared to defy me.”

“You didn’t tell me that, Brett.” I look at him. “Why would you put the guy’s mother away?”

“She put herself away.”

“She’s like seventy six years old…” I swallow.

“I don’t care how old she is.” He shrugs. “She’ll be well taken care of behind bars where she belongs.”

Applause suddenly fills the room, saving us from an awkward silence.

“Excuse me for a moment,” Liam says, standing to his feet. “I need to check on something.”

I watch him wade through the crowd.

He doesn’t return for a long time.

After sitting through seven poems with Brett and Lauren,I pull out my phone.

“I need to call a classmate about tomorrow’s meetup,” I make up an excuse, but neither of them notice.

I make my way to the restrooms and push open the door on the men’s side.

“This is the mens room,” he says, spotting me through the mirror. “Surely you know the difference after all these years.”

“You’re anasshole.” I hiss. “I regret ever talking to you, kissing you, fucking you, and I swear—”

“Watch your mouth.”

“That’s it, isn’t it?” I say. “You got some underage pussy and decided to go to another school to fuck some other young girl.”

“I’m warning you, Genevieve…” He clenches his jaw. “Watch your mouth.”

“Contrary to what you think, youdoowe me an explanation and I’d like it now so I can leave with closure.”

“Closure?” He mocks me.

“Yes, closure. Start talking.”