
“Act like you didn’t hear that.” She picks up a strawberry. “He’s looking at rings this month. Make sure you wear clear mascara every day just in case it happens when you least expect it.”

“Right. Um, I need to talk to you about something really important.”

“Okay, I’m listening.”

“It’s about your boyfriend, Liam.”

“Now, I’m really listening.” She leans forward. “You never texted me an opinion on him like you promised. I won’t be offended if you think I oversold his hotness.”

“No, you definitely didn’t. I think he’s a really attractive guy.”

“Thanks. He’s really smart, too. Sometimes I feel dumb during our conversations.”

“What do you mean?”

“He really loves books and all things literature.” She lets out a sigh. “IhatedEnglish with every fiber of my being in school, and I have yet to tell him. On the plus side, I’m hosting a Poetry Slam at my Bridal Bar location for some clients this weekend, so I am trying to meet him in the middle.”

“Good. Well, look,” I say. “About Liam. He was—”

“We should all go on a double date!”

WHAT?! “No.” I shake my head. “Hell no. I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Why not?” She jumps up, walking over to her wall calendar. “You said that Brett is into poetry, and that’s definitely Liam’s lane, so it’ll be perfect.”

“It’s a little soon for double dates.”

“You three can tell me if any of the poets are worthy of getting on my recommendation list—” She isn’t listening to me at all. “And while I might be bored out of my mind, I’m willing to sit through to the end because everyone else will probably love it!”


“I’ll text Brett.” She waves my pending excuse away. “He’ll be thrilled, so save the date! It’s in two weeks!”


“You don’t have to ask.” She walks over and clasps my hand. “Of course, I’ll help you pick out something stunning and sexy for this event, too!”



Cambridge, Massachusetts

The more time I spend in this city, the more I feel like I’m making a mistake. The club that initially brought Genevieve into my life is a franchise now, and I can’t escape their signs.

I’m seeing Amtrak advertisements wherever I go, and I swear I’ve never noticed this many before. To make matters worse, I actually agreed to temporarily teach at Harvard, all as another favor I owe an old friend.

At least it’s only for a semester.

“I feel lucky to have someone like you teaching at our university.” Harvard’s Dean of English shakes my hand. “Your pedigree and well-rounded expertise is most welcome.”

“Thank you, sir. I’m honored to be here.”

“Give me a few seconds to grab a faculty placard for your office,” he says. “I’ll be right back.”

“Take your time.” I lean against the counter.