“So, he’snothere?”

“Oh, no.” She sets out a couple of mugs. “He left this morning, but I’d love to hear an overview of your work.”

I spot a post-it note on the counter that bears Liam’s handwriting.

To the next teacher:

The list of reminders & ‘house things you need to know’ is inside the cabinet.

“You were in his mentoring group, right?” She takes out the creamer.

“Yes.” A lump rises up my throat. “I was…”

“Did he ever figure out which one of you lovely girls got him that gift?”

“Which gift?” I look over to where he’s abandoned my snow globe, and the tears I’ve been holding back finally break free.

“Miss Edwards?” She places her hand on my shoulder. “Are you alright?”

I rush out of the house without answering her, running to our favorite coffee shop to see if Liam is there.

Would he really leave me without saying goodbye?




What happened between this weekend and yesterday?

How can you possibly leave without telling ME?

Hello? HELLO????

Are you just going to IGNORE me like this, Liam?

Do I need to call you “MR. DONOVAN” and ask about my work to get a response?




Please say something.


Message Undeliverable. The number you’re attempting to reach is no longer in service. Please check the number and try again.



Iwake up in the middle of the night, drenched in a cold sweat. I turn over and reach for Liam, hoping the past couple of weeks have all been a dream, but he’s not there.

He really left me.