“It’s not a compliment, it’s a fact. If you need any last minute calls to admissions or recommendation letters in the coming weeks, just say the word.”

“I will, sir.”

He steals one more donut before taking a seat, and my classmates begin filing into the room to set up.

Ten minutes before class starts, I notice that Liam still isn’t here.


Hey. You okay? Is the board meeting running that long?

Principal Peterson stands and approaches the stage.

“Good morning everyone,” he says.

“Good morning, Principal Peterson,” we say in unison.

“Before we begin, I want to be the first to let you know that Professor Donovan put in his letter of resignation this morning. It’s effective immediately.”


Whispers and murmurs swirl around the room, and my heart jumps out of my chest.

He has to be joking.

“He regrets that he couldn’t be here in person to tell you, but it was an urgent and deeply personal matter.” He shoots us a sympathetic glance. “I’ll find a way to inform him about your presentations, and we do hope that he’ll return someday.”

“Now!” He smiles. “Let’s get started with Thesis Day! Miss Edwards, since you were here bright and early, would you like to go first?”

“He said it wasan urgent and deeply personal matter?” The words tumble from my lips.

“Uh, yes.” He taps the mic. “Sorry if anyone else didn’t hear me clearly. He didn’t offer any further details. You can take your place up here whenever you’re ready.”

Stunned, I make my way to the stage and force a smile.

I complete my presentation just as I rehearsed with Liam, except this time I have to ignore the painful splintering in my chest.

“This concludes my presentation,” I say at the end, and everyone in attendance gives me a standing ovation.

Just as he predicted.

I callLiam the moment class ends.

No answer.

I try again.

No luck.

Knowing that this has to be a mistake or the start of a bad dream, I rush to his cottage and slam my hand against the door.

It swings open seconds later, revealing Miss Shaw.

“Hello, Miss Edwards.” She smiles. “How are you today?”

“Confused,” I say. “Mr. Donovan wasn’t able to attend our thesis presentations, and I—I mean,wewere wondering if we could see him here instead.”

“Of course, I’m just here to account for all the academy’s property.” She motions for me to follow her inside. “I’ve heard your class has been quite impressive this year. He bragged about it before he left.”