I stare into his eyes as he runs his fingers through my hair.

“Do you want kids?”

He raises an eyebrow. “Come again?”

“Don’t worry, I’m not pregnant yet.”


“What about marriage? Can you see yourself getting married again?”

“Where is this coming from?”

“I’m just thinking about the future and our timelines for dreams.”

“You have plenty of time for that.” He looks amused. “Just live your life as you want and things will be fine.”

“I’m thinking we’ll have to try for the baby after I finish graduate school, or maybe we can plan for me to complete half and I’ll take a gap year or so until the baby turns two. That depends on whether you’ve proposed to me by then, right?”

He kisses my forehead. “Go to sleep, Genevieve.”

As if he can tell that isn’t happening, that I’m willing to stand out here all night and talk about the future, he grabs my hand and pulls me into the bedroom.

He pushes me onto the mattress and kisses me until I forget every thought. Then he grabs my ankles and buries his head between my thighs, slowly devouring me until I orgasm.

I succumb to sleep shortly after, and when I wake up again, Liam is right where he should be.



Thesis Week

Iarrive at the theater two hours early. Armed with tea and donuts, I begin setting up the stage for what I hope will be my best presentation to date.

It’s “Love is a Choice,” and even Liam had to agree with every point after he heard me rehearsing again yesterday.


I hope your morning meeting with the board goes well!

I’m already in the classroom ready to hear about it.

It’s not until Principal Peterson steps onstage that I realize I’m not alone.

“Good morning, Miss Edwards.” He smiles. “I see that you’re super excited for today.”

“Very much so, sir.”

“Mind if I indulge in one of these?” He points to my donut box.

“Not at all.” I push it closer.

He takes out the one I bought for Liam, but I don’t mention it.

“I hope you’ll consider paying us the occasional visit during your college years,” he says. “You’re the brightest student I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. Punishments, aside, you know.”

I smile. “Thank you for the compliment, sir.”