Getting off on the fiftieth floor, I slip into the back of the room and spot Liam right as he’s walking onstage.

“Good morning,” he says. “The results of this study are conclusive, butI want you to know that—” He stops talking once his eyes meet mine.

He tilts his head to the side and blinks.

Then a slow smile spreads across his face before he clears his throat.

“I want you to know that my recommendations are thorough, but I’m open to being challenged on any point at the end of my presentation.”

I take a seat in the back row and watch him for an hour. I join the standing ovation at the end and treat myself to the coffee bar while he chats with suit after suit.

With every hour that passes, I refresh my train options, keeping my eyes on the time.

As I’m reaching for another cookie, Liam grabs my elbow from behind and pulls me into the hallway.

“Hi,” I say. “You did good today. I mean,well.”

He says nothing.

“I know you didn’t want me to come since I’m still on punishment technically, but I had to. I’m also hoping you won’t hold this against me.”

Still nothing.

“I may need a ride back to the train station in two hours, but if you can’t, I have to leave now and we can have a celebratory lunch back in Exeter.”

Liam is still silent.

“Are you upset with me about coming?” I step back. “I was just trying to be supportive.”

He grabs my hand and pulls me into an emergency stairwell.

The moment the door shuts, he pulls me close and kisses me. Without hesitation, he lifts up my skirt, and I wrap my legs around his waist.

Without saying another word, he fucks me with appreciation, covering my mouth with his hand as he fills me and makes me scream.

“Cancel your train ticket.” He breathes. “You’ll go back with me on Sunday.”

* * *

Later that night

I’m sitting with Liam in an oversized hotel tub, exhausted from a day of sightseeing and sex.

He’s kissing my neck and threading his fingers through my hair, and I’m wishing I could bottle this moment and hold onto it forever.

“Can I ask you something?” I say.

“Of course.”

“Before we met, when you were dating your ex-wife, what made you think she was the one?”

“I’m not sure I ever thought that,” he says. “We’d been dating for a while, I had feelings for her, and I didn’t want to spend time looking for anyone else.”

“That’s not romantic.”

“It’s the truth.”

I exhale as he lifts a lever to add more hot water. “But you were dedicated to spending the rest of your life with her?”