“Mayor Whitman and his staff are arriving around seven thirty, and our formal party will begin at eight as always.” She turns to Isadora. “Can you make sure she has a second outfit for the fireworks? The photographer mentioned something about it needing to reflect light.”

“I’ll make sure of it, Mrs. Edwards.”

My mother leaves, and Isadora hands me a small gift box. “Happy belated birthday.”

“Thank you.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t drive up to Exeter to say it personally,” she says. “Did you do something special to celebrate?”

“I snuck off campus and went to a bar the week before.”

“I’ll give you another copy of my driver’s license before you leave.” She grabs my hand and leads me to a chair. “Let’s make this quick, shall we?”

* * *

“So, how are your studies coming along, Genevieve?” My dad passes the salad at dinner.

“They’re going quite well father,” I say. I know better than to say anything other than that. This is our warm-up round for cosplaying an all-American family with a dash of aristocracy, and any mess-ups on my end will be brutally punished.

“Are you making straight A’s?”


“That’s lovely, dear,” my mother says. “How is tennis?”

“Great. I ended the season as the most valuable player, and Exeter beat Choate in the finals.”

“Wonderful.” She smiles. “Your father’s schedule kept getting so hectic that we missed this season, but I promise we’ll be there for the next.”

Her words are so programmed and hollow that she doesn’t even realize that there is no next season.

“Thankfully, we don’t have to take your word as gospel when it comes to the academic side of things.” She lays a napkin in her lap. “We checked with Principal Peterson to make sure this is true.”

“You called the school?”

“Of course, we did.” My father scoffs. “You started this semester off with a near-expulsion, and we received that news at a live television event. It was embarrassing.”

“People like us aren’t supposed to have…problems.” My mother nearly chokes on the ‘p’ word. “I had to tell everyone you were feeling slightly homesick and wanted to come visit.”

I knew I should’ve stayed on campus instead of coming here.

“We invited Mr. Peterson to join us for this weekend’s festivities, and lucky for you, he obliged.”

What the hell?I bite my lip before I accidentally blurt those words aloud.

As if on cue, the doorbell rings, and my mother stands to her feet.

“Let’s go.” She grabs my arm and pulls me out of the chair, dragging me through the foyer like a rag doll.

Clearing her throat, she motions for me to open it.

“Good evening, Mr.—” I nearly choke at the sight of Liam standing next to Principal Peterson.He’s wearing a suit and dark grey tie, and he has three gift bags in his hands.

“We’re so glad you both could make it!” My mother escorts them inside. “We’re doing our pre-dinner now in the sitting room.”

“Pardon me, sir.” Our butler, Benny, clears his throat. “If those bags are properly addressed, I’ll put them away for you, sir.”

“They’re all for Miss Edwards,” he says, and I blush.